
Saturday 5 February 2011

A bit of a story ...

... or, at least, some background and, I guess, a bit of catching up. Back in November I posted that my hubby, Paul, had been diagnosed with Prostate cancer and that his treatment had started immediately.  He was, at that time, still to have his MRI to see if the cancer was localised or whether it had spread.  He also still had to see the oncologist to discuss future treatment, depending on the findings of the MRI.  Both events happened and, unfortunately, the news wasn't all good.  The MRI showed a slightly enlarged lymph node but not large enough to state, with certainty, it was the cancer. Outcome of that - wait for 3 months and have another MRI to see how the current treatment is working but, if lymph node no smaller, then radiotherapy is not an option.  Worse still, the MRI showed a mass on his right kidney.  

Unable to determine whether that was a harmless cyst, or something more sinister, the Oncologist suggested that an ultrasound should take place and one was duly ordered.  The week before Christmas an ultrasound happened.  Unfortunately that was also inconclusive as it didn't present a cyst - or at least nothing fluid filled so .... onto stage 3 - a CT scan!  Unfortunately that hasn't confirmed what this mass is either but it did show a couple of small growths within the kidney.  It has been decided to wait on this and he's to have another CT scan in 6 months (well, 5 now) before anything more is decided on the way forward for this.  Nobody seems unduly concerned about this mass or growths and it has been mentioned that he may have had them years and, in fact, some of his medical history over the past 5 years or so would actually bear that out .... so we're up to date and sitting waiting!  He's due another hormone jab at end of month and his next MRI early next.  He already has his next Oncology appointment date.

Now to take a backwards look to the visit to the Oncologist.  Sitting in the waiting room, having a coffee from the WRVS coffee bar I noticed some books of raffle tickets.  Closer inspection showed it was a fundraiser for the cancer unit charity - a very small, very local, charity that raises funds to help supply bright, airy, modern and very pleasant conditions for the patients that visit the centre for treatment.  There is a lovely little courtyard garden off of the coffee shop/waiting room area which was funded and is maintained by this charity as well.  Certainly lovely surroundings at a very stressful time for those that have to use the facilities. Anyway, I bought a book of tickets, as you do, but not for one minute expecting to win anything ... but I did!  I got a phone call - well, a message was left on my answer phone - right at the beginning of January telling me I had won a 'small' prize.  Since then I've been ringing and trying to contact the person that left the message to arrange collection/delivery of said 'small' prize.  Finally, on Tuesday, I managed to speak to her and I called to collect my prize yesterday ... and what a prize!  Fortunately the 3 winners drawn before me were all men and chose to take a bottle of something and left this behind.

Silly men!  Reckon I got the best prize.  I left the remaining bottles and a couple of watercolours as I fell in love *grin*

It's single bed size draped, double bed sized laid flat but it will make a wonderful throw.  Every stitch is hand done (including the binding all round).  There's not a single machine stitch in sight.  It was made by a patient.  She started it when diagnosed and finished it when she was given the all clear, 5 years later and she donated it to the charity to help raise funds.  I will take great care of it.  Beautiful!

Thanks for dropping by .....

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear all is as well as can be expected with Paul, and if the hospital are not too concerned... surely that is a good thing !....
    WOW you lucky lucky girl, that SMALL prize,.i.. s GOROGEOUS.... now it isnt often I would leave a bottle of anything.... lol... but I DEFO would have on this occasion... what a beautiful 'throw'... xxx


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Pam xxx