
Friday 4 February 2011

The last day ...

... of January! No, not today, the day of writing, but the day after my birthday, Monday. The first month gone ... the year is flying by already!  

Paul had hossie in the morning to have his plaster changed. He's now got a lovely neat and tidy blue one! I finally got to have my eye test that was due in September. I'd made a conscious decision to wait a further 3 months and have them tested after my birthday. There has to be some advantage to reaching 60 and free prescriptions and eye tests, as well as 25% off new specs for over 60s at the opticians I use, are just a couple *grin* Test showed I didn't need to change specs if I didn't want to but bored with ones I've got so ordered new. Dropped prescription into chemist on way home .... no fee to pay - yay!  

While I was out I shopped a little ... a very little! I found a half price jewellery making kit and a couple of tops for £5 each. Can't complain at that but I've not tried them on yet so no idea if they fit or not. I also bought some wild rabbit from the butcher in the market place so will be cooking that at some point soon. Not had rabbit in years and can't say as it's ever been a meat I've particularly liked but rabbit stew can be boring (sorry Mum). I've Googled and found some more adventurous recipes so will be giving one of them a go. In buying the rabbit I may also have found a butcher I can get marrowbone from ;0)

Tuesday - the 1st day of February and ... a Dad day. Had a visit with an Occupational Therapist. Carers feel that there's more equipment he could use to help him - mainly to help him if he's having an exceptionally bad mobility day. Not sure he'll go along with it but seems they think that a wheeled commode/shower chair could help. Shower chair bit ... not a problem as it will just replace the one he uses already but the commode bit? Well, that's where I think there could be a problem. Anyway, one is going to be supplied so will see how he gets on with it. Not sure he understands exactly what it is but he'll work it out eventually.

He's broken one of his new hearing aids (not a year old yet) and the replacement, while that is being repaired ... one of his old ones ... seems to have had the same treatment 'cos that's not working after a week of him using it as a temporary measure. Wearing them to bed and putting them in the wrong ears might have something to do with it - oooops!

A few more errands, shopping delivery and dinner prep - please Paul, get your hand back 'cos I don't like cooking :0( - and I was worn out. 2 days of busy, busy so Wednesday was going to be a relaxing day. Well, that was the plan and I guess it was except the doorbell kept ringing! Normally there's nothing but it was one of those days when you just sat down and got comfie and it rang ... and it's how the day went on from early morning to mid afternoon. OK, so it was my fault - *lol* I'd been on a spending spree but most of the purchases I'd made should have gone through letterbox - or so I thought. Wrong! Some were just that wee bit big and wouldn't go. So, a few packets later and I thought it was done. All expected had arrived and then?  The doorbell rang again. Hubby saying "well, if you didn't order stuff it couldn't be delivered" but this time it wasn't anything I'd ordered.

It was a beautiful surprise from a lovely friend who has a lot going on in her life - more than anyone should have - but still managed to find the time to order ..... a bouquet of flowers and a box of strawberry creams for my birthday! Thank you Trace - you're one amazing lady!

and that brings me to Thursday and a story to tell ...

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx