
Wednesday 23 February 2011

OK, so I'm ...

... to put my hands up and say that I really am not a very good blogger. Haven't been for over a year now so obviously the blog served it's purpose well in the early days but this past year or so seems other things have got in the way. In truth I think it got that I had so much to blog about it was easier not to as it all backed up.  Backed up so much that I still haven't blogged it all and now I'm waylaid in as much as I've been putting a year book together. I've had a 50% offer at a photobook which runs out on 27th and decided, last minute ... as is usual for me ... to give this year book a go. I guess I could have taken time to prep it and then have it printed next time an offer was made but thought I could do that with other books I want to do. Anyway, year book is nearly complete. Just got Christmas to do and I can send it off for printing. I've fallen in love with photobooks and have to say they're a vast improvement on single photos or having the pics on PC and never looking at them again. Cheaper, more cost effective, in the long run as well, compared with having individual prints. Anyway, plan is (don't hold yer breath as my plans never come true - *lol*) that once this book is finished then regular(ish) blogging will be back on agenda .... yeah, right! Having thoughts of possibly printing blog??????? Hmmmm!

Since I last blogged the rare event has become common. Seen eldest grandson 3 more times since last time so that's 4 times in a week! 2nd time he called weather was good again but this time I went for walk anyway. He decided to come with me *LOL* It was good though as it meant we had some good, quality, one to one time together (when he wasn't texting or playing at being Lara Croft - *lol*) which we haven't had for some while. Unfortunately  the weather hasn't been good at all since middle of last week so walking hasn't been on the agenda since we did this one. :0(

Undercliff Walk looking from towards Brighton Marina (in distance)

Undercliff Walk looking towards Ovingdean Gap

Texting at top of Ovingdean Gap waiting for me to recover from the huge number of steps we'd just climbed - *lol* and ... it wasn't that warm!

St Dunstan's (home for the blind - military, serving and ex) as it presents coming out of the underpass from Ovingdean Gap.  It's where I first took up, and learnt to become an archer.

The 3rd visit from grandson was so that I could help him put a CV together (didn't take long, bless) and last  time he arrived (yesterday) as I was going to Dad's. He stayed behind 'cos his Dad was replacing some missing roofing felt on our small garden shed. Don't know how long that's been off but hasn't been that long.  Unfortunately it's been off long enough that the wooden roof needs replacing and inside the shed is soaking wet. It now needs some good weather to dry everything out and to allow the roof to be completely replaced. Just as well there's nothing of any serious value in shed as far as I know, except ... most of what's in it belongs to eldest son - ooops! Hubby has been having some hot flushes (warned it could be a side effect of his hormone treatment) but he's had his blood test results and his PSA levels are way down into the very normal level at 0.8 as opposed to the very high 75 that it was. Good indicator that the cancer is under control. Now we're hoping that the next MRI shows a normal lymph node and they may be able to treat the prostate with radiotherapy. Only worry after that is this kidney mass but that's a wait and see for another 5 months. We'll find out what Oncologist has to say when we see her in March.  

Hubby, hot flushing!  A few minutes later sweater was back on.  Don't that bring back some memories - *LOL*

Apart from PSA levels being reduced the other bit of good news .... his plaster comes off on Friday - YAY! Hoping it means he'll be able to take up the cooking duties again.  I'm soooooooooooooo bored with cooking! It's his birthday today. Not that we can do anything to mark it 'cos of that big blue thing on his left arm. So difficult for him to move around with that as it does hamper his use of his wheelchair. He can't transfer into a car either. Until plaster is off he's not allowed to use it any more than he has to. We'll have to do something when he's back up and running *grin*

Last year at this time I was sunning myself on Pemba Island with my mate Jackie, trying to work an ancient laptop so I could send hubby birthday greetings *lol*. Good memories and so wish I was repeating that experience but .... I now have my photobook so can sit and dream and ... wish! Mind you, not long now 'til we're off for a couple of weeks to Bali and Lombok. Bring - it - on! 

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx