
Saturday 19 March 2011

Baking day ...

... today!  Don't know how long this Domestic Goddess phase will last but I'm enjoying the 'stuff' I don't have to do ... like baking!  The other domestic stuff can go chase whatever as far as I'm concerned but guess, if we don't want to live in a poo pile and/or starve, then it has to be done.  Hubby did cook dinner tonight but it was only fish from the freezer with potato wedges - also from the freezer - *LOL*  At least I didn't have to do it but steak came out 'cos we're having steak with all the trimmings tomorrow and guess who'll be cooking that one?  He's not up to doing that type of cooking yet but he may be getting itchy fingers :0)  I'm sooooo hoping!  Anyway, today I baked a couple of cakes ...

Looks good but not sure on what it'll be like until cut.  I'm having problems with my banana baking's being a bit doughy at the bottom of the finished product.  Hoping this one is better.  Every banana baking I've done has taken a lot longer to cook than recipes say :0(

I added some cinnamon to the dry ingredients and also I didn't use totally Bramley apples.  I used ¾ Bramleys and ¼ dessert apple (I used Jazz apples that I had in fruit bowl).  We had some warm, with cream, for our pudding today .... delish!

Tomorrow, apart from steak and all trimmings, I'm hoping to go clear my crafty corner up again.  Amazing how messy/untidy it gets when it's not being used!  I admit I've trawled through it looking for bits so guess I've turned it upside down without realising.  I've got photos from Wednesday at Deb's to deal with and I've a card to finish from the Glitterpot yesterday.  We only got to finish one card completely but were given everything to finish making the elements and to finish the second completely.  Need the space to play though - *LOL*

Paul thinks the screw in his thumb is working it's way out.  Not sure if it'll still be there in 3 months to be removed but then again, he could be imagining it.  He is complaining quite heavily about it being a nuisance and painful though and it's actually restricting his use of his hand, or seems to be, which is a bit daft when he's been told to use it as fully as possible but with care ... unless the 'with care' bit is to protect the screw.  Who knows?

I ordered my 2010 Year Book yesterday from another company.  It's been tweeked a bit and I decided on having a smaller format.  It's not brilliant and there could be vast improvements made but hopefully I can do the next one better.  I just hope this one will be better than the last,when I receive it.  I've used this company before and like what I got so keeping fingers crossed.  Got to say that the preview looked a lot more hopeful.  This time the company I've used have given an option to share the book online.  It's not an option offered last time I used them but, if the book prints up well I will post a link on blog *grin*
Thanks for dropping by .....

1 comment:

  1. If you bring some to AM Pam we will all do a taste test for you LOL


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Pam xxx