
Monday 7 March 2011

Busy day ...

... today!  Got the housework (OK, I'll wash mouth out) I'd planned on doing done and prepped dinner.  Takes me an age to get even the smallest amount done nowadays.  10 minutes doing and half an hour recovering before it's back to another 10 minutes doing and so it goes on.  Used to be able to do the whole house in a day easily.  Now I can't even complete downstairs.  Lounge, hall and bathroom and that's it for the day.  Anyway, got the boring stuff out of the way and actually had time to go make a card.  Only a quick one but needs must and it's better than buying from a shop ... as I might have done if I'd not spent the weekend sorting out crafty corner - *lol*

Beautiful bright and sunny day and it even got warm enough to have the patio door open for a couple of hours.  Feels so good to get fresh air into the house.  Had to top up the water in the fish pond as well.  Soooo lacking in rain of late that it had evaporated to less than half full.  The pond plants are starting to shoot again.  Wonder if the damsel fly eggs that were laid on the waterlily last year will come to anything.  Spring is definitely round the corner :0)

Anyways ... the year book.  All pages done, checked against the 'safe area' template of the photobook site, in and out editing to make sure everything I definitely wanted printed was well within safe area.  Previewed final book.  Likey what I see.  Place order and pay.  Good price at 50% off *grin*  Said, printed, photobook arrives on door mat in good time and .............. it's gone back! Soooo disappointed.  The pages have printed really dark but worse than that - the 'safe area' wasn't safe at all.  Some of what I definitely wanted printed has been chopped off and I've got words hanging off the pages and letters missing or chopped.  Because of that the layouts look unbalanced and I'd worked hard on getting them looking right as well.  I'm giving them the chance to reprint it and produce it as it should be - as per the preview on screen.  It's how they've told me I will receive it - after it had arrived - and it's not what I got!  If they can't (with pictures a bit lighter as well) I'm having money back and I'll get it printed elsewhere.  This is the 2nd time I've used this company.  I used them for my very first photobook documenting my balloon flight.  I wasn't 100% happy with that as the pictures had come out quite dark.  I'd put that down to my photos as the weather was dark and dismal and the photos weren't the best they could have been.  Seems though, it might not have been my photos after all.  The thing with the photos in this latest one, I know that they do print lighter and clearer because I've already had some printed in other books by other companies :0)

Was going to blog about a treat me and hubby had last week but I'm pooped now so will save that for tomorrow I think.  I'm going to crash now, watch a bit of TV (Law & Order, UK starts a new series tonight .... *grin*) and early night methinks.  It's Dad day tomorrow and he's got the chiropodist calling so need to be there quite early ...

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx