
Friday 25 March 2011

Funny day ...

... yesterday.  A day where I was still having trouble getting my head round the news of Barbara's passing but having, amongst that, good-ish news from Paul's Oncologist.  

It's really surreal to think that we'll no longer see Barbara, especially as she was healthy, bright, cheerful and looking forward to her holiday in Canada when we last saw her on 22nd February but, as they say, life goes on and it seems that life is going on for Paul *grin*.  The Oncologist discharged him from her care yesterday.  The last MRI showed there was a big reduction in the growth within the lymph node and, because the PSA levels are now so low, it's proof that the hormone therapy is working. The latest MRI confirmed that the cancer had spread into the lymph node so there's no point in radiotherapy as that would only target the prostate however, as the hormone therapy is working he is to stay on that 'indefinitely' and his PSA levels will be checked 6 monthly.  If they start to rise then he will be referred back to the Oncologist otherwise it's just the 3 monthly hormone implants.  Prognosis?  A full life span.  Now it's onto the Urologist next week to find out more about this mass on the kidney.  Paul reckons that if it's completely confined to the kidney, rather than have the worry of it, he's gonna ask to have it out - dependant on what it is, obviously!  His left kidney is perfectly healthy  *grin*

Didn't get to do any more in the kitchen yesterday but spent some time making a condolence card to send to John (or JLD as we more commonly call him).  Light had gone by the time I'd finished so haven't photographed it yet.  Will do so later today and post as soon as convenient.

There was something else good happened yesterday *grin*  My photo Year Book arrived and this time I'm really happy with it.  Got to say that some of the photos have printed a bit dark compared to the way they look on screen but not as dark as with Snapfish.  This is the second book I've had from this particular company and the first one printed a little dark as well so guess I need to allow for that, going forward.  The one good thing about having seen it in print A4 size, I decided to have it printed 8" x 6" instead and much prefer the size the largest photos have come out.  I can add more photos to a page if I do an A4 in future as I don't particularly want  large photos. Anyway, overall I'm more than happy.  I've decided I'm going to save the completed pages, and the individual photographs used, to disc (possibly a few extra as well) and keep that with the book.

Here it is, although on my viewing of this online version some of the perspective in them is a bit odd (squished and tall and skinny in places) but the book and photos are perfectly OK.  Anyway, this gives a taste of what the book is like.  Now I've plans for more ..... :0)

I've now put this book together in Photobox and it's better viewing - *lol*  You can see the book full screen, which is bigger than Albelli's 'full screen' so more detail is available.  You just need to give it time to load.  Ignore the 'selling' bit - I've no control over that.  Click "HERE" to be taken to it or click on the pic below :0)

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Oh Pam your year book is absolutely beautiful. I love the way you have set it out and the diversity of what you have put in it, from snow, spring flowers, crafty meets, holidays, cards you have made, anniversary, the littlies, your Dad and xmas! It really was lovely to look at, you must be thrilled with it. You have inspired me to maybe have a go at doing one.

    JackieP xx

  2. Pam - your year book is fabulous. Have I got time to sort one out myself!! Probably not at the moment, but one day. It is a great idea.
    Jennie xx

  3. Pam your year book is brilliant a lovely way to store your memories.
    Well done.

  4. I love it Pam. So many memories & lots of beautiful photos. x

  5. Fantastic book Pam, all your hard work has certainly paid off. Love everything about it and such a lovely combination of photographs - well done you!

    Jan R x

  6. Pam

    Your book is great. can't wait to see the real thing. Well done .x

  7. Fabulous Year Book Pam!....what a lovely idea & a way to store the memories for years to come....well done. Marjorie xx

  8. Fabulous, its so inspiring, well done

  9. What a magical memory book Pam - its beautiful. VivP xx

  10. Pam, thoroughly enjoyed looking at your year book. What a great way to display all your brilliant photos,and such a cross section of your family's year. Very inspiring. Lesley Wyness

  11. Thoroughly enjoyed looking through your year book Pam. Thought it was so memorable for you all.

    McLiz xx

  12. Fabulous way to keep your memories alive Pam.Loved looking trough your book.
    Sue x


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx