
Friday 22 April 2011

And a wedding ...

... card!  Yep, mojo came back enough for me to put together a wedding card.  Just hope it's liked as I'm not sure about it myself.  I guess the focal point is the decoupage.  TBZ embossed and gilded and layered using Pinflair Glue Gel.  Oh how I dislike that stuff.  Give me good ol' silicone any day!  

The border punching was done using the totally idiot proof, Woodware Crafty Edger.  I'm loving this border system.  It really makes it so easy to match the pattern.  There can be no mismatching/double punching with it as there can be with all the other border punches I've tried and yes, that would be the Martha Stewarts and EK Success ones.  Pretty as those designs are some are a real nightmare to match and they can be a complete fiddle to get in position and held secure while you punch.  With this Woodware system there is absolutely no margin of error at all - it just works!  Wish they'd hurry up and bring out more designs ... and the corner punches I've been assured will be coming as well. ;0)  If they bring out a big enough range and the corner punches, then I shall quite happily get rid of all my MS punches.  Storage is a lot easier as it's a cassette system and the cassettes stack. Even better than the flat EK Success punches as they're smaller *grin*.  Guess it's got the potential to have everything that the others haven't got - providing they come through with the designs.  Digressing again but I'm sooooo impressed with this system.  It's not often I like something this much.

Anyway, I kept some of the punched waste shapes and used them as 'confetti' to take the plainness off of the white surround.  Greeting was an SU stamp but I borrowed it so not sure which set it belongs to.  Ruffled ribbon again (I love the effect ruffling the ribbon gives) and a few pearls.

I've been wondering where all the followers & subscribers I had on Crafty Bits are.  I had 126 followers and 91 Feedblitz subscribers.  I've come to the conclusion that they followed and subscribed but really didn't 'cos if they did they'd have moved over when blogs merged ..... wouldn't they? Daft thing is Bits still has 126 followers, even though there's nothing on the blog now so I'm guessing, without checking, that it also still has 91 subscribers - *lol*!  What I was sad to see go was the country count on my Neoworx counter.  It's building up again here - and quickly - but Bits had hits from 133 countries.  I'm happy with the way things are and I've not regretted doing what I did so guess that's the main thing.  I've felt more inclined to blog and hopefully, for those that do follow, with more variety it's a bit more interesting as well.  My life isn't all crafting.  If truth be known there's not much crafting involved at all, although I'd like there to be but who knows .... one day - *hehe*

Paul's pre-op assessment was OK so everything is go for him to have the screw out on the 6th May.  Hopefully he'll be able to start using the hand more and there'll be a better judgement on any residual pain 'cos at the moment not too sure if it's all down to the screw or not :0{

Today?  Some of that 'h' word.  Well, had to finally do some, didn't I?  I also started sorting out my holiday packing.  Nothings packed but it's coming together.  I've also done, or prepped, a fair bit of paperwork so I'm feeling quite organised but I'm sure that won't last *LOL*

It's still hot and sunny and looks as though the Easter weekend is going to stay that way.  Very unusual weather for a Bank Holiday weekend in the UK.  It usually rains - *lol*
Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. The card has turned out really well. It looks lovely.

  2. Sorry 'bout the followers....fickle eh? the card though, and the border gives it a really elegant look.
    Fingers crossed for Paul....I wince every time you say "screw"..uuggghh!

  3. what a beautiful card , and it was absolute genius to use the waste too


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Pam xxx