
Thursday 28 April 2011

Busy, busy ...

... few days.  Tuesday morning meeting with OT at Dad's turned into a real mammoth session.  Not just me, Dad and OT.  OT arrives with a Social Worker in tow.  Then head carer arrives followed closely by the Care Manager.  If they wanted to try to get any sense out of, or into, Dad, having all of them in his face put an end to those hopes!  I arrived first so I could forewarn him that there was a meeting.  Couldn't forewarn him as to the number 'cos it took me by surprise :0(  He was rather upset when I arrived anyhow, as he felt that the morning carer had pretty much forced him to use the commode chair - as a wheelchair, not a commode - that morning but what had upset him more was that the bathroom furniture had been moved and not returned to position which meant that if he'd needed to use the bathroom he couldn't have done so on his own.  Seems the reason he'd been encouraged to use the chair was that his mobility has been bad for a few days.  He'd also used it the day before, willingly, but had forgotten.  Anyways, upshot of the meeting was that he would give the chair a go, he didn't need to use it if he felt he could walk but it was for the benefit of him and the carers.  Basically ... status quo.  Now, there's a surprise!  The only other thing to come out of it was that they're gonna refer him for physiotherapy ... possibly.  Explained he'd refuse to go anywhere for it after a while so they're looking into home visit physio.  We'll have to see on that one but ... there's gonna be another meeting when I'm back from holiday and that leads nicely on to ..........

Matt, Anie and Bali *grin*.  Yesterday I travelled down to Jackie's as I'd been invited to join the family for the 'legal registration' of Matt & Anie's marriage.  The Civil Ceremony was held here in the UK, at Canterbury Register Office and the formal blessing is to be in Bali on May 3rd.  It was a very beautiful, relaxed, low key ceremony.  

Photographs were taken in Canterbury's Westgate gardens.  No professional photographer.  Just guests with our point and shoots but there are some lovely photographs appearing on Facebook - LOL*

Following the photos we all gathered at a little Mexican restaurant, Cafe des Amis, where we partook of nachos, crab cakes, tortillas, stews, sorbet, chocolate cake et al ... mainly from the early evening bargain menu (and it was a bargain when a single sorbet couldn't be finished by 2 people sharing!)  Again, relaxed and completely informal.  

(That couple getting married tomorrow aren't the only ones that can have mugs to commemorate the occasion - *LOL*)

On finishing there we headed back to the 'local' pub - but not before most of us went and changed into our tat to keep warm.  Weather, although sunny, had turned windy and cold ... very cold!  Late night was had by some of us *grin* although not one drop of alcohol passed my lips as I ended up being the 'wedding car' driver,  transporting the bride (who fell asleep on the way) and groom's Mum (that'd be Jackie then *grin*) to the venue and then the bride and groom (and Mum) back to the pub at the end of the meal (bride fell asleep on that journey as well - bless!).  Wish I'd known I was going to be doing that though 'cos I'd have had the car washed and cleared the inside out.  The back of my car is rarely used so tends to get things thrown on the floor, never to be cleared away, so poor Matt sat amongst the cans of de-icer, sun shades and whatever other tutt had been thrown there.  As I said, a very relaxed and low key event and extremely enjoyable *grin*.

I arrived home early this afternoon and now have a full day to finish 'stuff', charging electricals and the last bit of packing before the trip to the airport to meet the group going to Bali ...... I will be having at least a 2 week break from blogging but hopefully will be prepared with plenty of stories on my return *hehe*

Thanks for dropping by .....

1 comment:

  1. Glad it all went well and the photos are beautiful. Bet you are getting excited now.......


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Pam xxx