
Wednesday 25 May 2011

Oh my ...

... falling behind again!  Been home over a week and not a lot blogged.  Guess there's not been too much to blog about.  Been sorting photos, calls to Dad for chiropodist, social worker, occupational therapist and general visit to let him know I'm back and such like.  A rare evening spent with brother and sister-in-law.  Tackling very bad jet lag.  Not sure I'm totally over that.  Got to say it's been a lot worse than when we came back from Jamaica 15 years ago.  Not sure if it's an age thing, whether it's because the time difference was the other way or because of the extremely long travelling time but, whatever it is it's certainly had an effect.  Washing and sorting out holiday stuff, shopping delivered, regular meet with old pals and .... hospital transport for youngest who had his adenoids removed last Friday.  He's now off work for a couple of weeks while he recovers but think he's been head-hunted-ish for another job at the company he works for.  This time it's a managerial role and he's been encouraged to apply and then they will close it.  Pretty much looks as though the job is his - as long as he applies for it but he's been in this position before and then they never came through.  Still, if he wants to move on he's got to apply ....

It's also looking as though eldest grandson has a job on the horizon.  Won't know for sure but he's on to 2nd stage in the interview process.  Nothing major but it's a job, which is better than being out of work.  Just hope, if he gets it, he keeps it.  He's had 3 jobs since just before leaving school and he's walked out on all of them for one reason or another - some legitimate and some not so much but hopefully he's now maturing and is taking his future more seriously.  Fortunately he's never been sacked and the companies he's worked for have accepted his reasons for leaving so references shouldn't be a problem.

Holiday ... well, guess I really should bite the bullet on that one and make some record of it.  I'm uploading pics to a photo site so that I can start to produce a photo book.  All photos have been gone through and edited as needed.  I now need to sort through for a selection to blog and consult my holiday diary to put some info to them.   There are a few stories to impart ....

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx