
Saturday 4 June 2011

Better day ...

... in some ways,  13th May,  and it was a Friday (Friday 13th isn't always bad *wink*). The others went shopping.  Jackie and I went to see more of the country and a bit of culture.  Had a private car and driver and he was ours for a whole 8 hours if we wanted him!  Lady Muck #1 and 2 is what we felt like.  Comfie, high end car, aircon that worked and a chauffeur!  What more could we want?  For it to be a little cooler as it turned out *grin*  

Plan for today - a visit to a temple on the coast.  Reached by walking to it at low tide but it's an island at high  .... Pura Tanah Lot. Took a while to get there so another lovely drive through the country with plenty of local life to spy on.  Arrived at a large car park and out we got and .... the heat hit us!  Think it must have been the hottest day we'd had since we'd been in Indonesia and it was exceptionally hot.  Anyway, sign posts spied and off we went.  

Initially we were a bit bemused as we had to walk through a large market (although we did spy a few flip-flops that took our eye so mental note made).  Got to end of market and the vista opened and there, in front of us, was the island and temple.  There were a lot of different 'holy' areas (well, we assumed they were holy as most did not allow access) that we passed on the way down.  

By the time we got to the beach, well rocks, I'd had enough.  All I wanted was shade and cool.  I was starting to feel really ill again.  I obviously still hadn't fully recovered.  It had only been a cold but nowadays, with the COPD and age, colds hit me for six and really lay me up. 

A guy came up and asked if we'd like him to take a photo of us together, in front of the temple.  It transpired that he was one of the professional photographers that touted for business around the site.  Having taken a couple of us on my camera it wasn't likely that we'd want one of his, when he asked, but he took our refusal in good part and didn't mind at all.  

Beautiful area which I would have explored more had I felt better.  As it was Jackie wandered off with my camera while I sat and waited.

Then we made our way back, very slowly, stopping on the way to treat ourselves to those flip flops *grin*  In some ways it's a shame that it's become so 'touristy' and that the market has grown up in the area but I guess a lot of the money goes towards upkeep.  If I ever go back to Bali I would visit this again but would make sure I wasn't ill when I did so - *lol*!

Back to the car and the aircon.  Our next stop? Echo Beach, for lunch.  Busy area.  Several cafes but not surprising as this is a surfer's paradise. 

Jackie and I sat and had lunch watching many heads bobbing in the water waiting for the 'perfect' wave.  I had my camera trained on some of them waiting for at least one to get up and ride a wave.  I got arm ache!  I missed several but finally got one *grin* ... and a fisherman.  While we were here the manager from Villa Infinity arrived with Ruby's little suitcase.  We were only about 10 minutes from the villa - where the wedding took place.  Anie had asked us to collect the case while in the area but it was delivered instead.  

There were many stray dogs around and Jackie noticed a notice (oops!) on the front of the menu asking that the dogs weren't fed.  It seems the cafe's work with a local vet and there's a programme in place for caring for these dogs, including the necessary operations *wink*  How difficult is it to refuse these big brown eyes?  Refuse we did though. 

When we left, this dog and managed to get him/herself right under the table at the back of the picture.  Not sure that the new occupants of the table were even aware he/she was there. 

We decided that we'd take a slow drive back to the villa, have a siesta and get ready to go out for dinner in the evening.  We'd never intended having the car for 8 hours.  It was nice to know we could though.  The driver took us to a shopping street, on Anie's instruction, but we weren't interested in shopping (hadn't been all holiday) so we told him just to keep driving.  He seemed surprised but even more so when we asked him to stop at a bead wholesaler .... the only shopping we were really interested in.  Unfortunately, although it said 'Buker' (Open) on the door it was firmly locked!  Just as we were pulling away we saw somebody in the shop.  Too late - we carried on our way.  Would have been in our element selecting beads and findings to bring home but wasn't to be, or so fate had decreed *grin*  A stop at a supermarket for a water refill, return to Karma, a pleasant afternoon relaxing and dozing and we prepared for the evening.

We'd planned to dine in the resort restaurant.  We'd been told it was expensive.  We thought it would round the day off well so we dressed in our 'best' togs and off we toddled.  To my mind we had the best meal of the holiday.  Lovely setting and the meal was delicious.  Expensive?  I guess it was by Bali standards but compared to the UK it was pretty reasonable for the quality of the food and the cooking.  We only ate a main course .... no room for a dessert.  

We rounded off the evening with a quiet drink and a lot of chat at the villa.  A very enjoyable day.  I just so wish I'd felt better to make more of it.

Back to the present - a day of crafting yesterday, at the Glitterpot, with a new tutor to me and Cally ... Alexandra Kamann.  We made 2 cards in the morning and 2 in the afternoon and we loved them!  The more I look at them the more I like them.  Lovely lady and I'm sure we'll be doing some more classes with her.  The cards will be photographed and posted as soon as *grin*.  Good day.

It's looking as though the antibiotics may have started to work their magic for Paul's thumb.  Continuing to keep fingers crossed though and ...

One other bit of news received yesterday.  Shock, horror ... providing things go well (it's extremely early days), we're going to be great-grandparents.  Now, that's not so bad for Paul as he is 71 but I'm only just 60 and faaaaaaaaaaaar too young to be a great-grandmother!  I wasn't happy about becoming a grand-parent at the age of 40.  I'd certainly rather wait a few more years to become a 'great' ... mind you, it will make Dad a 'great-great' *LOL*! 5 generations .....

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx