
Wednesday 15 June 2011

A good couple ...

... couple of days. Visit to Dad yesterday was a good one. Chilled, no major disasters reported and got him more involved in compiling his shopping list. At least it got his head out of his newspaper where it would have been for the entire visit if I'd let it - *lol* Sometimes I wonder if he'd notice if I didn't go as he doesn't talk much and if his paper has arrived I might as well not be there. Having said that, the carers tell me that he missed me when I was away and thought I should have been back a couple of weeks sooner than I was. I'd only missed the first week when he was mithering them about not seeing me - *oops*

I came home and spent the afternoon decanting stamps again and getting DVD inserts and labels prepped for printing.  Printed them today and finished for now ... until the next ones are purchased - *grin*.  Got a few dies to sort out now ....

I suggested to Paul that we went to the movies to see Pirates of the Caribbean, On Stranger Tides tonight, taking advantage of Orange Wednesday and, to my surprise, he agreed!  I've only just discovered that it's not just mobile phone customers of Orange that can use Orange Wednesday but ANY customer of theirs. We have our Broadband through them so I registered and tonight we used our first eticket.  £8 saving (we went 2D).  Work it out folks.  If we used this facility every week we'd effectively be getting our Broadband free.  In fact, they'd be paying us to use it - *lol*  Mind you, we'd be paying to see a film but £8 for 2 ain't a bad deal :0)  We rounded the evening off with a pizza and salad at Pizza Hut - £5 each on a voucher I found on t'internet.

Now, why was I surprised that Paul agreed to go to the movies? 'Cos for 20 years I've not been able to get him there, no matter what film was on and there's been a good few he's wanted to see but waited for the video. Last time he went to the movies was on 16th October 1991 - our 6th wedding anniversary.  We saw Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves. Such a rare occurence it turned out to be I remember it so well - and the meal that followed. Can't remember what we had but can remember where. We've now been married nearly 26 years and he's suddenly agreed that we should go out together more ... Looks as though there may be a few more Orange Wednesdays on the horizon and reasonably priced meals *LOL*

Had to laugh though.  He was ready to go a good ½ hour before he needed to be, jacket on as well, so what happened? We had to go, because he was ready.  Like a kid in a toy shop and then, we had to have a bag of pic 'n mix and go sit in the cinema for that ½ hour before the programme started! Wish I'd taken my camera but I didn't and my phone camera is rubbish indoors.  Old phone but good enough for what I want - just rubbish camera indoors.

Tomorrow?  Don't know yet. May try to reorganise my stamp shelves to accommodate the extra cases.  May do some ironing - but then again .... May sort some more stuff to take next week for the House Party. May do some housework - but then again .... Think I'll just wait and see how I feel in the morning *grin*

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Wow, not bad 20 years, lets hope it doesn't take another 20 years Lol. Glad you had a good time xx

  2. Glad you enjoyed it Pam havent been to the pictures with my hubby for years if theres anything I want so see I go with my daughter and granddaughters. Something to look forward to for you both and good price too.


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Pam xxx