
Tuesday 5 July 2011

Okey, dokey ...

... peoples - well, me anyway. Not sure I've too many readers but that's OK. I do the blog for me and if others happen upon it that's fine as well. Anyways, it's catch up time again but I'm gonna work backwards. Seems as though I just get up to date and then I fall behind again. Perhaps I should have blogged while I was away. Note to self ... you take lappy away with you, try blogging as you go next time *lol*

OK, it's Tuesday today, which started off with the usual visit to Dad.  Not really sure why I go any more.  I clean his hearing aids, cobble together his shopping list (with no input from him other than he likes cherries if they've got no pips - huh?) and, apart from a couple of sentences the rest of the time is spent in silence with him reading his newspapers. Why he can't do that when I've gone I've no idea but he decides he wants to talk when I get up to come home. He insists he's happy with his own company but managed to tell me that he sees nobody now. Seems the 4 visits a day from his carers don't count and I'm sure it's because he's no longer misusing his buzzer so not getting that many extra calls. Now I'm wondering if he was misusing it to gain a bit of company, no matter how limited that was.

Rest of the day was taken up sorting stuff ready for a weekend away next week and stowing shopping that had been delivered. Takes a while to go through and check it's all there and it's what we ordered. There's been enough incidents to make it worthwhile checking everything off and ensuring that there's no damaged goods. I'm glad that wasn't my responsibility at the House Party this year although if one's checking the receipt and others are calling out as they unpack and stow it can be got through quite quickly. I was one of the last arrivals this year and it was all done and packed away by the time we arrived. Anyway, I've digressed ... Today's was fine except they decided that they'd substitute sliced, cooked, silverside beef with a roasting joint? What's that about? Joint went back. I'm out near the store on Thursday. I'll go buy what I ordered then ... and the bits I forgot to order - oops!  Why am I out near the store on Thursday? Another story for another day *grin*

In meantime, weather has been lovely for a few days and today, coming through Ovingdean village on the way home from Dad's, there were lots of sheep in the fields, with their young. No longer tiny little lambs but growing fast. There were just so many of them and some had managed to get the wrong side of a fence. I watched them for a while but they'd not found their way back by the time I left. I'm sure the farmer will 'rescue' them if they don't manage it themselves.  Couldn't resist a few photos ....

Aren't I lucky that this beautiful place is just the other side of the hill from my home?

  Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Hi, You! Want you to know I never fail to read your posts....might not always comment, but I never told ya I was perfect, lol.
    As for your Dad....put up with it, and try to smile through it...know it's not easy....was in a similar situation with my Dad....but he died very suddenly almost a year ago....would give anything to go and watch him read his paper...yep..he did that too!
    Love the baa lambs!

  2. Such lovely countryside you have!

    It has become clear to me lately that true love doesn't expect anything in return, for what it's worth.

  3. Thanks for sharing all your thoughts.

  4. Lovely pics Pam and you are lucky to live so near to the countryside
    we do too but youve better weather than us. Glad you Dad is Ok
    and at least he is still reading he papers.


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx