
Tuesday 19 July 2011

Summer Crafting ...

... Doncaster - and 2nd post of the day :0)

Thursday 14th July - 
Cally and I drove the 255 miles to Doncaster on Thursday in my 'new' car! What a difference to my old one.  Not that the old one was uncomfy but this one is just that bit better. Amazing how things improve over 7 years. Anyways, we left Cally's around 9:15am and arrived at our hotel around 2:30pm, having stopped for brunch on the way up. Chose to take an unconventional route for our journey and it paid off. Lovely hotel and extremely reasonable *result!* Dinner taken at pub across the car park from the hotel, the Woodfield Farm, and what a blow out that was! Superb meal with a bottle of rosé between us and then a relaxing evening back at hotel.

Friday 15th July - 
Workshop day. What - a - blast! Arrived just before 9:15am in plenty of time for the start and took our places. Not allocated so it was go find a seat and sit *LOL* There were 22 tables with 10 people to a table. Rather 'squished' but Cally and I managed to get places with space behind and near the windows, so we didn't feel closed in. There were goodies on the table, in a bag on our chair and a pinny over the back of it.  Over £100 worth of goodies all told and how much did the day cost? £55! Each table had a table helper and ours was Zoe, Stephanie's sister. Stephanie and Nancy set the ball rolling for a day of fun by making their entrance to Eye of the Tiger .... Rocky theme tune ... dressed in pink headband, wristbands and legwarmers - ooops!

Goodies.  A mag is missing as I already had it so I gave it away.  On top of this we had free entry to the show for the weekend - free tea and coffee all day - lunch - box of chocs on each table, topped up as needed throughout the day *grin* 

 Cally in her pinny :0)

Tidy-ish  table before the work began - *LOL*

Close up of note in middle of table. Did we take note? Yep, and ignored mainly *grin*

 Nancy in forefront, Stephanie behind ... hidden.

 Introducing the helpers.

 Not such a tidy table .... midway through card #2!

 Taken at lunchtime, hence empty seats.

Zoe, our table helper, Stephanie's sister

Great day with a good few laughs. 8 projects translated into 4 embellishments and then 4 cards made using the embellishments.

Finished this day with a meal at a Beefeater restaurant just down the road from the hotel. Another good deal ... £6.99 before 6:30pm *grin*

  Thanks for dropping by .....

PS. to Anne Marie - a Stamp-a-ma-jig is a stamp positioner that Stampin' Up sells.  There are cheaper versions around though.  It can be very useful :0)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a great time Pam and all those goodies and demos sound a good value.Thought youd enjoy your car I know we did and daughter still does.


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Pam xxx