
Friday 9 September 2011

I've not hibernated ...

... or emigrated *wink*  I've just been doing 'other' things.  Partly I've not felt like blogging (well, sometimes you just don't!) but mainly I've been working on a photo book of the Bali holiday.  

How difficult was that?  I wanted to make it a positive book after all the upset that happened and, I think well, I hope, I've succeeded.  It's now finished and printed and it arrived on my doorstep yesterday.  I'm pleased with it.  I think I achieved what I wanted.  I was a little disappointed with some of the photos that looked really good on screen but more than happy with some that looked pretty poor on screen.  I used some pretty 'suspect' photos but they turned out really well.  Wish I'd taken a chance on more of the 'suspect' ones now.  Overall though, I'm happy with the way it turned out.

As well as working on this I've also booked our (that's Jackie and mine) next jaunt and this time we're doing it all on our own and going to Mexico!  We're doing a tour of the historical places of interest (Chichen Itza and the like) and ending with 4 nights in a luxury Spa hotel in CanCun before heading home.  Will be busy methinks, well, the tour part anyway, but looking forward to a bit of the culture and seeing some of Mexico other than the beach *lol*  

Dad's started physio - shame the exercises don't get done when nobody is putting him through his paces. Can't seem to make him understand that he needs to do them if he wants any chance of being able to walk better and fall less.  Think he wants a miracle cure as he complains about them 'not being easy'.  No Dad, but nobody said they would be!  Mum said he had a lazy streak - seems she was right but he's just wasting everyone's time if he's not prepared to put some effort in on his own accord.

There's been a meet in Guildford,  arranged by Greta - and it was brilliant!  We used the shoebox principle again and this time, although not all projects were finished on the day, those I bought home untouched have been finished.  Now, that's a first *grin*  I have photographs but I need to go through them.  I have photographs taken of different things over the period I've not posted but need to go through them all.

Last weekend I spent with Jackie as her car 'died' and she needed to buy another.  It's not something she'd ever done on her own before so I went along to help and guide her.  Told her she would be doing all necessaries but I'd be on hand more as a confidence boost than anything.  Trip was successful and she's waiting delivery of the car of her choice - a Citroen C3 - following it's service, valet and everything else they do pre-delivery on a used car sale.  She didn't get quite all of her criteria for her money but then she was never going to but, she's happy with what she has bought and that's the main thing - and it's a lovely car :0)

The travel documents for our trip to Cyprus have arrived so in 19 days time OH and I will be flying off to sunnier climes and will be witnessing our eldest re-marry.  Hopefully there will be more photos of a wedding to share - and a bit of Cyprus for good measure.  I've not been before and I'm hoping to see some of the island.

Hey, a very brief run-down of the past few weeks (sure I've missed something) and photos will follow, when I get the time and/or can be bothered to sort them out *LOL*

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. And about time, too!
    Missed all your "doings"....mostly cos I'm a nosy old bat....but was worried 'bout ya, too.
    Glad you're pleased with the book...not looked yet, but will be takin' a gander....and glad that your Dad is getting help. You're right, though...he has to help himself, too....not easy for you, I know.
    Can't believe you are off on jollies again!!
    Turnin' green, here, lol....but I'm really looking forward to New York, too....hurry back and fill us in...ha!

  2. Car turns up Monday whoop whoop... off to clear a nice little parking space for it, cos it might be there for a little while rofl... thank you Pam for being there.... a wonderfully true 'wise old bird' friend :) xxx NOW I know why you love owls LOL xxxx

  3. Hi there Pam thanks so much for popping over to my blog have not been over here for a while - sorry life gets busy and notice that you too have had your hands full with family matters, trust dad mends and co-operates too! Ah we all want the quick fix, but life isn't like that!
    Thanks for pointing out it was nesting box, you know till I was writing up the card always thought of it as letter box (even wrote it up as that) then looked closer and saw it was not cos weird mail would go in that hole! Forget you all have them in your doors over there not like here.
    So that all makes sense now Pee-jay, thanks so much! My sister does not like this winter scenes for Christmas (not Aussie!) but I think they are so cute.
    Shaz in oz.x

  4. Pam. I love your photobook of your trip, uyou obviously saw some stunning sights :) Now looking forward to seeing the one from Mexico lol

  5. Such a great photo album Pam, well done. Look forward to your next pics now :O) Viv xx

  6. Hi Pam tried to view your photobook but just cant get the pics:0( will keep trying.

  7. Pam, the photobook is fantastic - some great photos, and looks beautiful. Need to get off my backside and finish ours from Disney in May!


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx