
Monday 19 September 2011

Still can't ...

... seem to settle back to blogging but I have been sorting through my photos so here's a few taken through August. I'll try to go chronologically except for the cards made at the meet we had in Guildford.  They'll follow ;0)

8th August - Eldest's shed was dismantled.  It arrived not long after he moved in when his marriage broke down but it never disappeared when he did, having found a new partner.  It housed a lot of his bits and bobs, as does my shed.  My shed now houses more of his bits and bobs 'cos he moved what he had left in his shed into mine so that he could dismantle his!  He's getting married again in a couple of weeks but it looks as though, although he's been gone for 18 months or so now, his bits and bobs remain ... and not just in the shed!  There's a fair bit in the room he occupied as well.  His 'kids' came to help (term used loosely) and Paul supervised while I took piccies (well, somebody had to *lol*)

9th August - regular meet with old workmates at Frankie and Benny's at Brighton Marina and yes, this is the view-ish!  This was taken just before the entrance to F&Bs and, if you sit outside, is the view that you can take in.

Leaving F&Bs and the view from the boardwalk of the 'entertainment' area of the marina to the car park (on right).  The line of lights in the far distance is the Palace (Brighton) Pier which is now on the market as the Noble organisation want to offload it.  Hopefully, whoever buys it will restore it to it's rightful name, and which all Brightonians still call it .... the Palace Pier.

14th August (and what would have been my 40th - Ruby - wedding anniversary had I still been married to my first husband) - Kieran, eldest grandson, came to put some more roofing felt on shed roof for me.  He bought his partner and her 4 year old son, Reegan, with him (guess that's my future step-great-grandson - oops!).  Kieran is to make me a great-grandmother in January with a daughter they plan to call Tulisa.

15th August (not my normal Dad morning but had a tooth extracted the following day)  - coming home from Dad's I passed through Ovingdean village, as usual, only today there were sheep in the field next to St Wulfran's church.  Normally it's empty or has a few cows in.  It was a hot, sunny day and what took my eye and made me smile, was how a lot of the sheep had congregated under the spread and shade of the horse-chestnut tree.  I had to stop and take some pics then I noticed magpies piggy backing on some of the sheep.  Unfortunately I also noticed one of the sheep was dead.  It had somehow managed to get itself tangled in some of the wire boundary fence and had strangled itself.  I went to find the farmer to tell him but couldn't find the farmhouse let alone the farmer!  Google didn't even produce a valid phone number when I got home so I'm hoping it wasn't long before the poor sheep was found as flies were starting to congregate on the body while I was there.

20th August and a crafty meet, held at Guildford and beautifully arranged by Greta.  Lots of laughs and plenty of shoebox cards (pics will follow).  Great day was had by all and then some of us finished it off with a meal at the local F&Bs before wending our way to our respective homes *grin*  Can't wait for the next one .... :0)

Back row l-r: Jan, Debs, Elaine, Dawn
2nd row l-r: Jennie, Cathy, Chris
3rd row l-r: Greta, Cally, Trace, moi
Bottom row l-r: Toni, Margaret, Kim


22nd August was youngest's 13th wedding anniversary so I had a sitting on babies - well, I guess it's more child-minding now - stint while he took our daughter-in-law out for the evening.  Easy job as the 2 youngest were in bed by 6:30pm and the eldest was allowed to stay up until 8pm but she's no bother at all.  Well, none of them are but it's easy when you're just a listening post most of the time - *LOL*

To round August off - early morning on the 30th, got a phone call from Sue, my sister-in-law to tell me that Tania, my niece, had given birth to her 3rd son the evening before so I've got another great-nephew.  Meet George William ...

Shoebox card pics will follow and catch up with September goings on - not there's been much except I won a Just Inklined Wacky Wheels digi in a blog hop.  Don't normally enter them or blog candy's, or very rarely, but this time I gave it a go .... and won!  I won the Morris Minor Traveller.  There's history of that car in my life.  Ah, memories :0)
Now we're on countdown to our trip to Cyprus. Travel docs have arrived and transport to airport booked.  Currency to get (not that there's much needed) and packing to do and we're off :0)

Thanks for dropping by .....

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness glory you have had a full month...and a baby too. This Ozark Farm Chick knows that life just doesn't get any better than that.

    Thanks so much for gettin' me off the Ponderosa and lettin' me be a part of your August. Your pictures are just wonderful.

    God bless ya'll from the happy hills and hollers of the Ozark Mountains!!! ;o)


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx