
Thursday 29 December 2011

I promise ...

... things will be better in 2012.  Well, I hope so anyway!  Been so much going on in my life over the past few months that I really, really haven't had the mojo to blog.  I guess I've had the time but, as previously mentioned, not the inclination.  Strange thing is, when I started this blog it, unexpectedly, saw me through a bad time with Mum taking ill and dying.  I could have used it again to see me through another bad time.  Dad took ill and he unexpectedly passed away on the 14th December.  The funeral is on Monday 3rd January.  It's not been a good end to the year but - 2012 will see a new chapter start in my life.

I hope everyone has had a good Christmas and that you have a great New Year and that 2012 brings you everything you would wish for in your life.

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Pam, I am so very sorry for the loss of your dear Dad. How very sad.....I know you have been concerned about him for some time.
    My prayers will be offered that you will find peace, strength, and comfort.
    Warm hugs,
    Anne-Marie x

  2. Pam thinking of you today.
    Please keep blogging.and a better 2012 for you.

    Sylv xx

  3. Let's hope 2012 will be a happier time for us all Pam,. Glad you are back to blogging too :O) Viv xx


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx