
Thursday 23 February 2012

Better late ...

... than never?  4+ months after we're back and I've got the photo book done covering our Cypriot holiday.  OK, I know the wedding album was done before Christmas but it's taken a while to edit the actual holiday photos, select from the many, many I took and then to squeeze those I wanted into the maximum number of pages.  Some of the ones I'd have liked in didn't make it in .... just ran out of space :0(  Anyways, it's now ordered and hopefully will be on it's way soon.  Just in time for me and Jackie to be taking off on our Mexican adventure.  There's still stories to tell but they'll have to wait.  

I've been quite poorly the past few weeks.  I got a bog standard, boring old cold but boy, the after effects have been bad.  Ended up having 2 courses of antibiotics and a short course of steroids.  Now it seems I'm suffering withdrawal symptoms from those steroids.  Hoping the next few days will see the end of them.  I've never had such weird feelings as I'm having now.  I had a few sleepless nights when I first started taking them but that's OK now but certainly not liking the withdrawal.  Still, first time I've ever taken steroids so had no idea how I'd react, while taking them or after.  Think I now know that I can't just stop taking them, even on a short course.  Lesson learnt and filed :0)

Catch up big time is due - but then there's a good 4 month's worth to go through ... Cypriot holiday, meets, Christmas ...

Thanks for dropping by .....

Thursday 2 February 2012

It's been a while ...

... coming but here's some pics from the holiday in Cyprus back in September/October.  The reason for the holiday in the first place.  Our eldest son's wedding.  The rest of the photos are still being worked on :0)

I produced this book using a selection of photos taken by me and the professional photographer.  I wanted it to tell the story of the day and I have to say I used quite a few of the professional photographs that the photographer didn't like enough to put in their preview album.  A disc of all the professional photos taken that day was purchased so we got all taken, including the ones the photographer himself didn't like.  I'm so glad, as there were some photographs I preferred to those he'd selected.  Just shows how subjective any art form is and, without that disc there would have been pics we'd never have seen.  I also searched Google for the words of the Cypriot marriage vows and I reproduced them within the book.

I've been unwell for the past week and finding it really hard to do anything.  I feel OK in myself now but the old lungs are not really performing for me so, although the mind is willing the body, unfortunately, isn't.   I've  missed an evening out and also 'missed' my 61st birthday on Monday as I wasn't at all well that day so spent most of it wrapped up in a blanket and sleeping!  The 2 little grand-daughter's had their 6th and 10th birthdays last week and we've had another 'first'.  Dad would have been 90 on Sunday, the same day as Emma's 10th birthday.  Such a shame he missed it by just 6 weeks ....

Thanks for dropping by .....