
Thursday 19 September 2013

I've sort of ...

... promised!  I've sort of promised that I'm going to pick up blogging again.  I sort of promised Clair of Valentines that I would - sort of.  I've followed her blog for a long time now but only just started going to her workshop on a Thursday morning, with my mate Cally.  Only done 2 so far but it's good and we'll be continuing.  Anyway, not sure whether to try 'catch up' or ignore what's happened over the whole of ... how many months?  Will have to have a think on that one.  I guess I could combine current stuff with a catch up.  Hmmmm - what to do.  The one thing I do know is that it will continue to be my 'diary' so it's still going to be a mix and not entirely craft related.  In fact, there's likely to be little craft in it at all as I'm not really making anything at the moment unless I go somewhere specifically to make 'stuff'!  I guess there could be a peppering of what I have done over the past .... how many months?

For now I'll do a sort of catch up.  Crafter's House Party (check out the label in the side panel).   Started back in 2008 and this year saw it's 5th anniversary.  It's been going from strength to strength, even if there have been fewer attendees of late and next year it's being extended for the 2nd time.  It's gone from 3 nights the first year to 4 subsequently.  Next year it's going to be a full week for those that can.  For those that can't it's still 4 nights.

Over the years there's been a fair few photos taken by myself and others.  It wasn't until the past 3 years that I've had access to other's photos, well, not easily anyway.  3 years ago I opened a Photobox account where we could all upload our photos so that any of the attendees could post their offerings for others to access.  Obviously, only those they were happy to let anyone have were uploaded but I snagged a fair few as I had an idea *scary*.  Over a few years now I've been posting links to photo books I've produced,  Today is no exception 'cos I'm posting a link to a book it's taken over a year to put together because I was waiting for the 5th year to be completed .... and, trying to reduce photos down a number small enough to get into a 120 page book, spanning 5 years, is no easy matter - *LOL*

Here it is, in all it's glory - (click on title for larger view) 
5 Years of Crafter's House Parties ....

Thanks for dropping by .....

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  1. YIPPEE!!!!...Welcome back to blogland - It's great to see you blogging again! xxx

  2. Woo Hoo..Welcome back. Looking forward to seeing all those Christmas cards you will be making. :-) xx


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Pam xxx