... well, one of them - no 2, I guess. I've been working on one project for months now, the other just a few days. The one I've been working on for months? My 2012 year book. I've only ever done one year book before but many photo books. A lot to record from last year, hence it taking so long but the order went in for printing today so I can call it done! Mind you, got the online version and noticed an error on page 5. Fortunately they'd not started printing it so I rang them and pulled it. They stopped the process and sent me a credit so I could correct the error and reorder. All done now and the process continues. They updated the online version and sent me the link so here it is *grin*
The other project finished today? A Christmas present. A photo book for eldest granddaughter who left High School this year and had her prom on 4th July. There were professional photos taken of her and (I believe I may have mentioned before) she wanted a photo book of the pics. Also said before .... student, no money so Nana Pam & Grandpa had a Christmas present solved. Just as well I like doing photo books *LOL* I'll post the online version of that at a later date but I'm really pleased with the end result. Different to what I usually do but was thinking it needed to be for a 16/17 year old. I just hope she likes it.
Rest of the day? Not a lot and don't feel like doing much now so will make this short and save 'stories' for another time ... including the rest of the bathroom saga up to now *grrrr!*
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Pam, great yearbook, can't wait to see in the flesh though as couldn't read everything :-)