
Wednesday 20 November 2013

Oh dear ...

... all good intentions out of the window.  2 weeks without a post.  Not good enough but, in my defence, I've been quite busy.  Only quite though - lol!

The ring finally arrived and it is lovely but the service was awful.  Anyway, it is here now and will be a surprise on Christmas day.  All bar the youngest granddaughter's Christmas presents have been bought or are on order so I should be able to start wrapping soon.

There was a family photo shoot on 9th November.  Unfortunately one of our daughter's-in-law was ill and couldn't make it so it turned out a bit of a damp squib however there were photos taken of all the grandchildren together so at least that was achieved.  Only managed to find 10 photos that were of any worth though and not really the one that I wanted.  Cost a lot to end up with pretty much only one photo we wanted, although we had one taken with our sons as well so I guess that's 2 photos.  The only thing I can think we can do is to try to insert the d-i-l by photo editing.  No idea how to do that.  I can take things out of photos but never had to put anything in.  Had to talk the photographer into letting me have photos on a disc but he's only going to do them so they come out as 8x6 inch photos so not going to be big enough to have a decent canvas done.  As I say, a bit of a damp squib but a largish hole in the pocket for not what was really wanted  *sad*

Back in the early part of September we went to meet, for the very first time, a new found cousin of OH's.   Last week her daughter phoned to tell us she had died suddenly.  We were going to see her again after Christmas.  It seems our next meeting will be her funeral.  So sad, having just found one another after all the years of never knowing each existed.  So many years lost and wasted but both her daughter and us are pleased we got to meet.  We also met her sister who we had no idea about until that day.  We will meet her brother at the funeral.  2 more cousins OH had no idea existed until recently.  RIP Anna - it was a privilege to have met you.
L-R: Barbara, Anna , Jan and OH.
Saturday was a lovely day.  Busy, manic but a real fun day.  It was a day of crafting arranged by Clair of Valentines.  A Christmas card workshop day with a carvery lunch, Secret Santa and 'snatch' raffle.  12 cards to make but only managed to make 5.  Prepped the rest and took them home to finish.  I've 3 to go and then they can be photographed so watch this space.

I've joined a few selling groups on Facebook.  I'm trying to sell some of my unwanted craft bits.  I have a lot of 'stuff'.  There's a lot I know I'll never use.  Most is brand new ... in fact I'd go so far as to say that ALL of it is brand new!  A few bits have gone *happy face*

And on top of all that - just to bring the last couple of weeks up to date - we found the guys that did a lot of work on our house years ago.  Wish we'd found them last year.  We'd have avoided the fiasco of our bathroom.  Still, it is what it is but they're now going to do the rest of the work we want done.  Most All of it was done by them in the first place so they will be undoing and redoing what they've done previously.  We've chosen the flooring.  They're sorting it, the underlay and trim out.  We've bought the wallpaper for the lounge.  The hallway is going to be painted.  A new ceiling fan/light is on order.  We need to speak to the electrician they use.  We want a new TV and have it wall mounted.  Only want a new one as it will need to be a slightly larger screen.  We want the cables and wiring put into the wall though.  Don't want trailing cables.  We're getting used to living out of boxes.  I don't want us to get used to it as nothing will happen if we do .....

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx