
Sunday 9 February 2014

Long time ...

... no blog!  Not that there's been nothing to blog about.  There has.  Just not done it.  Left the blog on a downer and it's been pretty much up and down since then - normal, I guess - lol!

I know it's late but Happy Christmas and a very Happy New Year - lol!

I've actually been busy putting together photo books.  There were some good offers on over Christmas and New Year so I wanted to take advantage of it and set to work.  Finally got my 2011 year book done and followed that pretty quickly with the 2013 one so I'm up to date from the year I did the first one - 2010.  I plan, if I live long enough, to go back in years with the pics and hope that the pics stir the memory so I can do a little bit of journalling.  Yep, they're not just photos - I treat them a bit like scrapbooks, I guess.  I've edited and deleted photos for each year of the books and I plan on putting them on archival disc and making a pocket in the books for the discs.  There are a lot more photos for each year than made to books so these will be there for future generations, if they so wish.  Don't think I'll ever get them all done, especially not the photos before digital but there are loads which might, or might not, make sense to somebody somewhere down the line.  If I can note on the back of some of them who, what, where I guess that'll be a good thing but will I ever get it done?  Who knows.  I'm now planning on doing 2014 book as the year progresses but not made a start on that yet - we're in the middle of a building site!

We've been living out of boxes for about 3 months now, having got rid of our wooden living room furniture but the workmen are now in and the place has been gutted.  The sofa and armchairs are going to landfill on Tuesday.  Couldn't give them away which is a shame as there's still life in them and the sofa, in particular, is still in good condition but we're tired of it and it has to go.  Better to go now as we're having new flooring throughout.  Not just the living room but the hall, bedroom and study as well.  Laminate flooring and it's easier with as little furniture to move as possible.  There are enough boxes that will need to be moved around and bedroom furniture - which isn't going anywhere.  I'm photographing the different stages but not downloaded any to the lappy yet.  Anyway, it'll be good when it's done and we've bought new furniture.  At least, it had better be!

That's as it is now.  I'll catch up some time soon :)

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1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a normal life to me!The house will be great when finished and well worth the upheaval. loving the sound of the photo/scrapbooking journals DD 21 next year have got to do a scrapbook as bless her she did one for me for my 50th 14 months ago. Well, take care, hus Carol aka Cadge x


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Pam xxx