
Tuesday 26 January 2016

Now where ...

... did I get to???
I'm still not doing well on returning to blogging but something is better than nothing, I guess.  Nearly a month of 2016 gone already.  Scary how quickly time passes.  Even scarier that I'll be 65 by the end of this month,  will have been 'retired' (shall we say finished with paid employment) for 10 years and have been a non-smoker for 11.

Nothing of any real consequence has happened this month, so far.  Not that I care to post publicly anyway, other than eldest grandson's marriage has failed (which I alluded to last post) and he's back living with his mum.  Great granddaughter turned 4 (she's so cute but very opinionated - lol!) and the youngest granddaughters will be 10 (another with strong opinions and a very enquiring mind ..... on absolutely everything!) and 14 before the month is over.  Cardmaking workshops have restarted following the Christmas break and I'm back to regular exercise class.

OK, time for some pictures.  I've done a mini trawl of photos taken last year.  Back in July a few of my now long time crafty friends joined me & Cally on a weekend to the Great British Craft Festival at Stoneleigh Park (The Midlands on the website).  Cally & I have been before, on our own, with Kim joining us for a short while in 2014.  Last year we made it a proper girlie weekend and we had a great time.  It's being repeated this year although unsure quite how many will be going as yet.
Waiting for the next workshop
Chalkboard .... (still not finished to this day)
Bring on the Powertex!
A few of the projects from workshops and make & takes ....
Powertex workshop
Hunkydory workshop (& following 2 pics)

Francoise Read make & take
Brusho make & take
Pinflair workshop
Hunkydory make & take
 Think that's all for now .... got an exercise class to get to *groan*

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Friday 1 January 2016

A brand new year ....

... with family changes afoot.  Early days but we will be one less in a few months.  Not expected but quite welcome, I have to say, although circumstances could be 100% better.  What's the saying, last in first out? In this case it's right *grin*

Last year, apart from the health issues, was pretty much 'normal' - although some health issues, for us, seems to be pretty much 'normal as well *lol*.  No big holiday but the annual Crafter's House Party happened.  A week long now and this year we hired a hot tub for an added bit of luxury.  It was well used by some *LOL*

I took the opportunity of making a card for youngest son's birthday, which was the following month.

We even got our beauty therapist, Faye, making snowflakes

How dead is dead?  Seems even taking it back to the bare bones doesn't kill it.  It's still working like this some 6+ months on and no, it's not mine - *LOL*

It was the week of the baby swallows fledging so they kept some of us amused for a good while.  Plenty of comings and goings.
There was plenty of crafting done, laughter and general fun.  Looking forward to the next one now.

I continued with the fortnightly card workshop held by Clair and joined another one. Monthly this time and very different to Clair's but just as interesting. Vickie keeps us on our toes *wink* Unfortunately I failed badly in keeping my crafty spends to a minimum.  Must try harder on that one *grin*  I'll post some of the projects at some point.  Not all as a year's worth is a lot to catch up with but I'll select my faves to show. 

Still on the crafting ....
My mate Cally & I had our first foray to the 'Crafting at Ally Pally' craft show (formerly called the Big Stamp & Scrapbooking Show).  It was good but not as big as we expected.  I guess, because we've heard a lot about it and we've been to some really big shows we expected similar ... but it wasn't.  Not sure we'd bother again. We only went this time because our friend, Kim had won tickets and couldn't use them.  It was an adventure *grin*.  We went by train and bus - *lol*  Still managed to spend quite well - *rofl* A stunning building.

A Mr Man? .... on the ceiling *lol*

Just one example of the amazing wall art.

A random photo taken from the bus as we were leaving.  Pointed the camera at the window and took a shot.  No idea what to expect but ...

.... once home and uploaded to laptop I zoomed in.  London skyline .... Shard and all!

 And yes, I am that sad *grin*

That's all for today.  I'll see what I can pull out of the 2015 archive another day -*LOL*

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