
Sunday 27 March 2016

It's officially ...

... spring.  Meteorological Spring was 1st March, Spring equinox was 20th March and today we moved to British Summer Time (BST), or daylight saving.  Can safely say it's Spring - and Easter Sunday!  7pm and it's still reasonably light.   I love the lighter evenings.  Bring on Summer, but let's have some decent summer weather! 

I'd intended to post midweek but somehow time has gone away from me and it never happened.  Been a busy week.  Busy doing nothing, or so it seems, but feel as though I've done a lot, which I must have - just doesn't seem like it.

There's been some good news, and not such good news, with OH.  The pain is still under control but fluid is starting to gather again.  After 3 months in the hospice last year due to extreme fluid retention and it taking that length of time to get to the bottom of it and deal with it we're not too keen on it coming in again.   It may be a bit of a trade-off though because it seems that the pain control has worked because of reducing his diuretic substantially.  In reducing that they've been able to try different pain relief, and a higher dose, than if he was on the original dose of diuretic.  Unfortunately it seems as though the diuretic has been reduced too much now so some fine tuning needs to take place.  It was looking as though he may have been home sometime this coming week.  Perhaps not - until they've done the fine tuning!

Eldest has confirmed he's not so in love with OCRs as he has been.  Think his midlife crisis is passing.  He still does the odd one but not as many.  He'd planned on running his first marathon next month but has decided against.  He's had a problem with his right knee for a number of years (seems to be a weakness in the family with knees) and has decided that road running aggravates it, although running through woodland, on softer ground, through mud and water and dealing with obstacles of all shapes sizes doesn't so much.  He ran the Hastings Half Marathon last year, intended to this year, but didn't in the end.  He'd entered, just never did it ... pretty much as he's done with the Brighton Marathon.  He'd applied for the London Marathon but didn't get in.  Just as well as it's turned out.  
March 2015 - Hasting's Half Marathon
The appropriately named NUTS Challenge OCR ... March 2015.  Eldest and DiL
Think my son's have a problem with reaching 'middle' age.  Youngest is doing his first OCR later in the year.  Workmates have entered him.  Crazy  .... now I wonder where they get it from???  Not that I'd ever do crazy things.  It wasn't me going jet-skiing or paragliding for the first time at the age of 60 *grin*

When I was sorting out some space to give youngest on his return home I found a fair bit of archery gear, including old bows, arrows and maintenance equipment.  As there's no way any of us will ever 'arch' again it was taking up needed space so onto eBay it went.  All bar 3 items sold so I'm happy.   10 items have left the building and I've a nice empty space that they took up.  I tried selling a 'vintage' travel cot as well.  It hasn't gone.  That could end up a charity shop donation - lol!  It's not been used in 13 years and I certainly have no use of it.

A make from last year, around this time. One of Clair's workshops.
Altenew stamps coloured with Prismacolors, highlighted with Wink of Stella (clear) and a die - MFT I think, but not sure.
I have a visit to make on Tuesday ... to the jeweller.  I'm hoping that my other ring is finally finished *big grin*  We'll see!

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx