
Sunday 6 March 2016

Mother's Day ....

... or Mothering Sunday, whichever you prefer, here in the UK.  Not the best one I've ever had, it has to be said.  Things are afoot and OH is on new medications that have made him very argumentative and unpleasant.  Easier to come home (he's still in the hospice) than spend the afternoon arguing with somebody who won't listen anyway.   They can change these meds as soon as they like!  There's other things afoot as well.  Youngest has moved back home while he tries to sort himself and, hopefully, get his marriage back on track.  Not sure how successful that will be but it would be sad to see it end.  They've been together for around 27 years ... since they were 14.  Perhaps, therein, lies the ultimate problem???  Time will tell ....

Not in the mood for 'catch-up' today.  Requires a bit of brain power and it's all gone at the moment.  Fuzzy brain is ruling.  Trying to take on board all that is happening around me sometimes takes it's toll.  I'll be back to normal in a day or 2.  Bonus to this is though - I've been forced into doing some sorting and more decluttering which has been easy to ignore.  Perhaps I will get my craft room by the end of the year but I'm not holding my breath.  *LOL*

On the crafty front - I had a 'commission'.  Before Christmas eldest sent a random request.  He wanted to know if I could knit a pug dog *weird*  I sometimes wonder about my children even though they're both now grown and middle-aged (both 40+) men.  Anyway, long story short.  I've never made a stuffed toy in my life but said I'd give it a go and here's the end result ...... of which I'm pretty pleased.  There are mistakes but I know where they are.  Not sure anyone else would notice *wink*
Don't yer just love that curly tail???
Hopefully the next entry will be a bit more upbeat and have a bit of catch-up .....

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx