
Thursday 17 March 2016

Nothing much ...

... changes for hubby.  They're still struggling to get on top of his pain.  I've an awful feeling it's never gonna happen and he'll be coming home no better off than when he left.  If that happens it rather makes a lie of that mantra that's heard .... nobody needs to suffer pain.  They might not need to but it happens, despite everyone's best efforts!

Catch-up!  February 2015 and I had a Groupon deal for a massage at a therapists in Alfriston - the olde worlde village where eldest grandson married in 2012.  It was a reasonable afternoon, weather-wise, so I decided to go for a stroll and have a look round the village properly, which I didn't do on the day of the wedding.  It's a beautiful old village and the hotel that grandson married in was built in 1345.  Anyway, I had a lovely stroll on a beautiful afternoon in a wonderful location, fully relaxed following a brilliant massage .....
The Star Inn - centre picture
 The afternoon ended with the most beautiful sunset colours, as seen from the kitchen window ...
February 2015 also saw eldest and daughter-in-law (if you can't beat 'em, join 'em) continuing with their madness and competing in their first obstacle course race (OCR) of the year.  Madness! They don't seem so keen this year.  I'm wondering if they've - or should I say he's - got over this bit of his mid-life crisis *ROFL*
A brief catch up for now but it pretty much sees January and February 2015 done.

January and February 2016 have pretty much been stinkers.  Too much unhappiness, both within the family for various reasons and then with the numerous celebrity deaths starting with the legend that was David Bowie and still continuing this week.  Not all world famous, admittedly, but well known celebrities worldwide and some just more localised.  Don't think there's been a week since the beginning of the year without somebody passing over.  The age range is large. Some pretty much no surprise, although still sad, due to grand old ages, but others taken far too soon and who should have had many years ahead of them.  2016 is not being a very good year as yet ........ *very sad*

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Pam xxx