
Tuesday 10 May 2016

The month of ...

... May hasn't started well *sad*  Hubby's pain came back with a vengeance.  So much so, and with memories rising, we ended up in A&E for an xray on his hip with a suspected hip fracture.  Pretty much the last thing that could be causing the pain other than one we'd rather not think about.  As it turned out there was no hip fracture but, because of his pain, and a chat they'd had with somebody else, the medics decided to admit him for further investigation.  That investigation has found the cause of the pain, at last.  Unfortunately it's the only thing left it could be.  The cancer has spread.  It's now in his spine and pressing on the nerves coming out of the base ... hence his pain.  He's been in hospital a week.  They've managed to make him more comfortable and he's to have a session of radiotherapy.  They're hoping that will help the pain but he can only have one session.  He's already had 5 sessions over the years.  If this doesn't work, with assistance from pain relief I don't know the next step.  We've been told there are other ways of dealing and we know that chemo could come into the mix at some point but we've always kept that as a last resort. Not a good start to the month, to be honest but another 'blip' we've to overcome - and overcome it we will. 

Last Friday I took a bus ride to the hospital as he wanted me there early and parking's a nightmare during the day.  When I left I strolled ('cos that's all I can do) back via the seafront and decided to take a ride on the Brighton Wheel for the last time.  I went on it soon after it opened, at sunset, on the day I went to register Dad's death.  This time it was just 2 days until it closed and disappeared forever but it was day time and a flight I've been meaning to do since the sunset one.  It was a beautiful day for the stroll and the flight.
View east on the stroll ...
... and west from the same spot.  Palace Pier, West Pier ruins (just visible), the Wheel and the pole of the i360 - opening this summer
From the 'flight' viewed west.
Domed roof of the Royal Pavilion - amongst many others
Looking at this photo I realised that I started my working life, and ended it, with jobs within one street of one another.
The 'last job' building, Amex European HQ, is due to be demolished very soon.
All staff have moved into the brand, spanking new building behind it
Nothing really changes. Views west.
View east
Long distance views east past Rottingdean onwards to Saltdean, Telscombe & Peacehaven.
Westwards along the coast towards Worthing
BBQ time on the beach in front of the Palace Pier.
... and home.  A view from the bus, approaching the area I live, just outside of the town.
Peace and quiet *grin*
Missed exercise class last week - that time was spent in A&E. Shouldn't have been able to make it this week because of a timing clash with Vickie's monthly workshop. Unfortunately Vickie's had to cancel all workshops until further notice *sad* but it meant I could go to exercise class this week. It was good. Inbetween everything else I'm trying to make sure everything is up to date at home and get hubby sorted and things in place as I'm off on holiday next week.  I've had to make a list.  With so much going on I'm bound to forget something if it's not listed.  Mind you, I'm not sure it's all listed but at least I'm trying *LOL*

Not sure if I'll have anything to record for the next few days.  There may be a break now for a few weeks. 
There may just be a few vlogs posted on Clair's site and/or YouTube channel that could be worth looking at during that time .....

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx