
Saturday 7 May 2016

Well, it ...

... happens. Life gets in the way sometimes and then I'm back onto catch up mode. Think I might just not bother with any more 2015 else I'll be permanently 'catching up'. Already getting behind with 2016 *oops!* Part way through May and haven't finished April yet *sad*

Last post was finishing April 2015. This one will finish April 2016 ... or will it??? Been a mixed couple of weeks bringing April to a close

There was another of Clair's fortnightly workshops but I've still to finish that card although I don't think I will. It was a magic slider card but I messed up the card blank and the slider bit wasn't the best. Having said that I would make one again for kids ... they'd love it

Hubby had an assessment for his 2nd cataract op and had it the following day so he can now see long distance without the need for specs. From that point of view he's a happy bunny. The day after his op I went off with bro and sis-in-law to see my nephew in his last show as a student at Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts .... Legally Blonde. We arrived early to drop him off for warm up and we went off for a coffee to kill time.  

Tottenham high street on a Thursday teatime, sitting outside minding our own business. Suddenly police on bikes, whistles blowing, pointing to anyone moving, no matter where they were ... middle of road or not ... didn't matter. STAND STILL!  Then all hell broke loose - big 4x4s, outriders, very long limos, very scary security guys. That'll be Obama in town then! Couldn't see through the smoked glass but guessing he was in one of the very long limos with Mrs. No photos - happened too quick!  

Anyway, back to theatre to find all the male cast members outside. While they were warming up somebody entered their dressing room and stole their wallets, phones, ipads and other personal things. A total of £6k worth of stuff - gone! Police advised, nothing to be touched, it's a crime scene. Meant the guys couldn't perform in costume. As it happened, for those of us that had not seen it before it made no difference. It was an excellent show and a totally talented and professional group of students to put the show on when they were obviously concerned about what had happened just 20 minutes before showtime.

A couple of days later we met Bella. She is a cutie and has a lovely temperament. We'll happily look after her any time they need a dog sitter *smile*  

Crafty stuff this month, other than card workshops ... a little knitted ellie.  Too tiny, too fiddly. Little grandson claimed it. Won't be making another - *LOL!*

On top of all this eldest grandson, whose marriage broke down over Christmas, discovered that his estranged wife planned moving away a long distance and taking his daughter (our great-granddaughter) with her and restricting his access to her.  He contacted a solicitor and, within a week he'd got what he wanted and more ... the only outcome that could have beaten it would have been full custody. A piece of paper can make a lot of difference and that piece of paper is called ...... a marriage licence!

That's pretty much it for April ... or not - *LOL*

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Pam xxx