
Thursday 30 June 2016

More from ...

... Florida.

Day 4 - 4 of us took the morning off to relax and use the pool.  The other 4 went off to a nature reserve for some canoeing.  Unfortunately, as it transpired, that ended up changing the itinerary as the reserve was at capacity and closed so they went to Winter Park instead (which had actually been planned for all of us later in the week) ... followed by shopping.  Shopping was involved for some most every day - lol!  

The evening was spent together at Manny's Chop House .... beautiful steaks but too big for me so I had a 'box' to take away.

Day 5 - Change of plan today.  We'd planned today as the visit to the Magic Kingdom but it was decided that we'd go to Violette's Scrapbooking and Stamp store at Lakeside instead - just in case it was thought a return visit was in order.  Lovely shop for a scrapbooker.  Not so much for card makers although I found a couple of stamp & die sets and a couple of single stamps I liked.  Mostly papers and emphemera which wasn't of much interest to me.  My exploring, picture taking and shopping was done in a little under an hour, I found a little place for a coffee and then sat outside Violettes, watching the world go, while the others did their shopping.  

... Evening and we went to Disney Springs (formerly Downtown Disney).  We nearly made it on to the balloon ride (can't really call it 'hot air' 'cos there wasn't any - lol!) but it was cancelled as we waited.  We'd paid and were next on but the wind became too strong to 'fly' so they refunded.  We ate at Paradiso 37 and then split up for a while for exploring and ... shopping!  I actually did go into one shop, the Disney Store .... and bought something *shock* ... lots of keyrings ... as little gifts to take back home *wink*  It was the only shop I went into.

Day 6 - Initially, when itinerary was drawn up, we were all going to the Magic Kingdom.  In reality, as the week moved on, several decided, for one reason or another, that they didn't want to go so it ended up just 3 of us going.   2 of us had never been before and the 3rd had, but many years ago.  We had a lovely day.  Very long and very tiring but we enjoyed it.  Everyone else went shopping for the day ... back to MFT and more outlet malls.

Just over half way through and still plenty of time for more shopping sightseeing. ROFL!!!!

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Wednesday 29 June 2016

Not a good ...

... month where OH has been concerned.  Got back from 10 nights in Florida to find he'd taken a turn for the worse and he's not really improved since.  He has good days and bad days but the bad days are very bad and his good days are what his bad days used to be.  The cancer has spread into his sacrum and lower spine and there's a mass in his abdomen which they think is connected to the bladder and prostate.  He's now on a daily oral chemo course for 6 months initially, if the side effects aren't too bad.  He's in the hospice ... again!  He's spent more time there this year than at home.

Florida ... 10 nights in May.  Group of 8 from Clair's workshop group.  What can I say?  It was good.  Can now say been there, done that.  Would I go again?  Possibly but in a different way.  Magic Kingdom, Epcot, airboat ride, workshop at MFT (My Favorite Things), Winter Park, Celebration, Disney Springs, Mickey's Backyard BBQ and ...... Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Jo-Ann's, Walmart, Violette's and a shopping mall (just the one was enough for me - lol!)  Clair posted a daily vlog ... check her vids on her YouTube channel for them.

Let's have a few pics from Florida ......
Day 1 - ready to go shopping!  Nothing much else happened on Day 1 - LOL!  

Day 2 - Morning, and breakfast (or brunch, by the time we got it) in Celebration then back to villa via Hobby Lobby

...afternoon - Mickey's Backyard BBQ. A bit of fun. 

Day 3 - MFT (My Favorite Things) workshop in Eustis.  Excellent workshop and a good few tips picked up ... if only I could remember them - LOL!  Lovely shop and where I spent the most money on craft stuff.  Little coffee shop attached with delicious food.

Workshop makes
More piccies to come but won't bore with anywhere near the amount taken.   I've culled them down to just over 1250 from nearly 2000 - OMG!  I'll post a link to the photobook when it's done - ROFL!

Back from Florida a week and then off again on the annual House Party in Appleby Magna.  Very much jinxed this year.  First Jackie dropped out for whatever reason and then I wasn't sure, because of hubby, whether I'd make it or not.  Then Trace falls down the stairs and badly damages her leg just a couple of days before the off so she wasn't able to come.  Susan couldn't commit from the outset due to job uncertainty and then there were 6!  Those 6 all arrived but the hot tub, booked and paid for, hadn't!  Landlady rang hot tub man and it finally arrived but not in time to use that arrival day and poor Kim had changed into her cozzie the moment she'd arrived - ROFL!  Debs wasn't 100% from the start but by Saturday morning she felt so poorly she decided to make her way home which left just 5 of us for the weekend.  No Saturday meal out this year.  There was more than enough food in to make do ... and it needed to be used so we cobbled together a meal, of sorts and thoroughly enjoyed it - LOL!  A first for this year .... I actually managed to get out and about for a bit.  Kim and I visited the National Arboretum, just ½ an hour from the cottages.  Shame it decided to rain most of the time we were there.  There's plenty to go back for though and worth a visit.  Another year completed and yet again, very different from any we've had before.  Every year ... and this was the 8th ... has been different.  Never one the same.

That's the lot for today.  Things to do, places to go ..... get the drift?  

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Saturday 4 June 2016

It's been ...

... a while *grin*  I've been to sunny Florida since my last post and came back to .... well, best not dwell.  I'll get round to posting about the holiday and what I came back to in a while but, for now - a video showing the process of making 6 rings into 3.  Remember this?  Here's how they got from what they were to what they are now .....

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