
Friday 29 July 2016

Need to find ...

... an electrician!  Tomorrow the new tumble drier arrives.  I'd like to plug it in where it should be plugged in.  It ain't gonna happen.  Double powerpoint but one side, for the drier, has burnt out.  The other side keeps the table top freezer going.  The drier stacks on top of the washing machine and the freezer on top of that (yep, a BIG tower) and I really don't want to stack them all back until the powerpoint has been replaced.  I've been using the tumble drier and washing machine on an extension lead for months. Not the best way, to be honest.  I've mooted the idea of replacing the powerpoints myself to the hubby.  He's not keen but he's fitted kitchen electrics himself before now, many years ago before wheelchair, admittedly, and I'm sure he could 'supervise' although I'd prefer he didn't.  There's probably major electrical work needed around here, if it were checked out, but just have to take baby steps at the moment.

New oven is sitting in the shed waiting to be fitted.  I'm sitting here waiting for our current oven to behave and allow me to turn it back on again.  Dinner is half cooked but it needs another 20 minutes - when the oven decides to play nice!  A new oven I can't do myself ..... Think my weekend will be taken up trying to sort something out without having to wait too much longer.

Today I feel officially old.  Our youngest is 41 today.  He insists he's not old or middle-aged.  I say he's gone past that and heading towards old age *ROFL*  Happy birthday 41 year old!
On the way to Thorpe Park with his daughters (our youngest granddaughters) earlier this month.

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