
Wednesday 20 July 2016

Where has ...

... the time gone?  Hubby comes home and it seems to have disappeared.  Can't say as I've not had time but what time I've had has been 'down time' - or at least, that's what the body has told me.  We seem to have had a lot of appointments, some of which, if he was driving, he could have taken himself to but, because he's not I'm chauffeur!  Will be so glad when he's driving again, even if it means me losing the 'big' car!  That's not a problem in itself, unless I've people, luggage and 'stuff' to ferry.

He's doing well.  Weight is dropping off nicely and he's not taking supplementary pain meds as he was while in the hospice.  He's managing without the sedatives/anti-depressants which just proves he doesn't need them - and because of the meds he's stopped, his tremors have reduced dramatically.  The fluid retention is nearly gone.  All in all a good result for such a short time home and he's surprised a good few when they've seen him, especially the nurse we bumped into while shopping in the local Asda *rofl!*  Don't think she expected to see him out and about doing normal stuff.  Just got to get him driving again now, which I think will involve him getting the confidence to actually give it a go after so long of not driving rather than anything else!  The new oral chemo treatment he's having has reduced his PSA levels a lot so it seems that's working.  Nothing but good news really except I've lost spare time *LOL*

My annual health MOT has gone well.  No decline in lung function from last year, which is good even if the lung function still isn't.  At least it's not progressing and the longer I can hold that downward progression off for, the better.  Our oven has decided to play silly b's when we try using it *sad*  Hubby has been saying for some while that it switches off for no reason.  I'd never had that experience.  Then, a few weeks ago, youngest had the same thing happen.  Just after, it started happening to me and now it does it regularly.  I think it's the thermostat and the higher the temperature it's set to the sooner it switches off.  Decision made to buy a new oven which is now installed in our shed, awaiting the tumble dryer to be sorted out and then we need an electrician to install oven, swap some 'burnt out' power points for new ones and generally give our electrics an overhaul.  Time is in short supply to sort these things out at the mo.

On the crafty front Clair had her birthday workshop day on Saturday.  The Christmas one later in the year is being hosted by John Bloodworth (Gentleman Crafter) as part of his All Counties Challenge so Clair decided we'd have a Christmas in July day this year.  A great day, good company, lovely food and 10 cards ......
Ready ....
Project table ...
On your marks ...
Hard at it ....

I prepped all the cards, made a couple and finished them at home on Sunday.  All now photographed ready to show - when I get time to do another post *ROFL!*

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx