
Monday 22 August 2016

Excited ...

... much!  2 holidays booked in less than a week.  One for a week in October with the OH and one for a 2 week cruise in August next year with a friend.  

The October one will cover the week that includes our 31st anniversary.  We're going to an area of the UK we've not been to before.  Well, not to investigate anyway.  We've been to take part in an archery tournament (an intercounties one) many years ago but no sightseeing was done.  This time it will be sightseeing all the way.  We're doing a caravan holiday.  We couldn't seem to find an hotel that could accommodate the wheelchair and, even one that said they could then asked us what we meant by wheelchair accessible *shock*.  Didn't give much confidence that their advertised wheelchair accessible rooms would be, even if they hadn't been closed for the week we wanted.  Caravan park couldn't have been more helpful and we've an adapted caravan booked giving us a massive saving to put towards days and eating out.

The August cruise .... a bucket list item being marked off - twice!  First the cruise and second, the destination.  Norway!  Ideally I'd love to do Norwegian fjords in the winter but cruises at that time of year are in short supply and seem to be extra expensive when found.  This one is a bit more than that though in that it crosses the Arctic circle.  We leave from Southampton and cruise, calling in at different ports on the way, up to Honningsvag.  Google it.  It's right round the top of Norway, in the land of the midnight sun and nearly in the Barent Sea.  Looking forward to it immensely.  Just need to decide which excursions we'd like to do - and the other one of the 'we'?  Wendy, my roomie from Florida.  She gave me a couple of brochures to look at last Thursday at workshop.  I opened one and it fell on this page and, for me I didn't need to look any further.  Lucky for me Wendy was up for it as well and Friday she booked it.  Job done *grin!*

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Sunday 21 August 2016

Adrenaline Rush ...

.... well, it wasn't for me but the 'boys' entered a local Adrenaline Rush event (an obstacle course race) yesterday at Stanmer Park.   It was the first OCR that the youngest had done and it's the first time they've done anything together in years  It was good to see.  The OH and I went down to watch and arrived not long before they came into sight for the last few hundred yards.  Now wish we'd gone earlier, for the start, as it seems there were more obstacles further into the park so we didn't really get to see much but weather was a bit iffy.  Fine for the participants, not so good, if it turned nasty, for spectators.  As it turned out, us waiting to see how the weather was developing was the reason we missed so much.  If they do a spectator friendly one again we'll be there a lot earlier!
The OH and I have been glued to the TV/red button for the past 2 weeks .... archery, shooting, cycling, rowing, canoeing, gymnastics, diving and so on but not a lot of athletics.  Yep, we've been watching the Olympics from Rio.  Athletics tended to be on very late at night into the early hours but, to be honest, we're not as interested in that as we are in the more minority sports.  Definitely archery and shooting as they were/are our sports so we know what we're looking at.  Doesn't stop us thinking we can spot things that aren't quite right or exceptionally good in other sports though  *ROFL!*  We're now watching the marathon, traditionally the last sport of the games.  We won't be watching the closing ceremony ... well, not live anyway.  It doesn't start until past midnight for us.  We haven't actually seen the opening ceremony.  Perhaps we need to go onto catch up and see what we can find .....  Now for the Paralympics - so much more inspirational and again, of special interest to us.  Just hoping we get some decent TV coverage.

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Saturday 20 August 2016

Workshop on ...

... Thursday.  A very different card to normal but a fun one. Really cute and I have a recipient in mind *LOL!* MFT You're Super stamp and dies were used. Everything was hand done, including the background matt. My image and WOW plaque were coloured with Prismacolors. The image is actually a lot brighter than the photo shows. The 'WOW' is really 'MOM' but used upside down.
This week the OH and I had another trip to the cinema following a lovely lunch at Las Iguanas. This time we saw Pete's Dragon. Nothing like the old animated one but very enjoyable and ... we had our first full experience of a 3D film. 

A slightly different perspective of Brighton Marina .... Stitched in a panorama program again, hence the ghosting of the launch and jet ski.
The weather was glorious!

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Monday 15 August 2016

We made ...

... it to the movies.  Star Trek Beyond.  Excellent film.  Not only was the movie entry fee a good deal but we also had lunch out on a good deal as well *grin*.  A new pizza place opening in the Marina was doing staff training prior to the official opening. The day before we went they were doing free pizzas (youngest got that deal with the not-so-littlies). We got an everything half price deal.  Hadn't intended to eat there but 2 pizzas, a large bowl of salad and 2 bottles of ginger beer for £14?  Don't mind if I do.  A meal out and a movie for £21 for 2 - not complaining - *LOL!*  Took this pic from outside the new apartments and restaurants.  It's actually 4 photos stitched together in some panoramic software.
... and this is where the above photo/s were taken from ....

At the weekend eldest had a BBQ.  Good to catch up with his in-laws and have a few of our family together, including spending some time with our little great-granddaughter.
Eldest grandchildren ... 
... and their Dad, our eldest ...
... our youngest son ...
... and his son, our youngest grandchild with our little great-granddaughter
Bella found it all very tiring * lol*
Camera was hi-jacked .... and they say I'm weird!
Us and our boys *LOL!*
Movies again this week, fitted around nurses visits, optician appointment exercise class, workshop and general rubbish like housework and cooking - Pete's Dragon is the plan and in 3D!  We'll see ....

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Tuesday 9 August 2016

Workshop cards ...

... from last week.  The die used for the white matt is from the Avery Elle, Finished Frames set.  The stamp set is Avery Elle Berry Good, stamped and heat embossed then hand cut.  I borrowed Clair's Tim Holtz Distress Crayons to try.  So glad I didn't 'go with the flow' when the rest of the workshop ladies were buying these - while we were in the US and over here.  I don't like them at all.  Difficult to blend, even using a baby wipe to moisten the finger.  They didn't blend well at all, having a definite line between some colours.  Reckon I've saved myself a bit there - lol!  Love the simpleness of these cards though and, using a different colouring method they could be very useful.

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Sunday 7 August 2016

So a week ...

... has passed.  I'm loving the new oven.  Was going to say 'we' but as the hubs has yet to use it for anything at all I'll stick with I *LOL*  The old oven wasn't stolen overnight so youngest took it to the tip for us - job done!  New tumble drier?  No clue.  Not used it yet but managed to defrost the table top freezer and it found it's place back at the top of the stack.

The hubs had a consult with oncology and they're pleased with the way things are going on the new meds so, apart from his monthly meet up with the chemo nurse to collect his meds for the month he doesn't need to be seen next month.  Good news.  This week, on leaving the Cancer Centre we were driving home and decided, nice day, let's go 'somewhere' and, as we were going in the direction for it we decided to go for a drive to Beachy Head and have a snack out for lunch.  That snack turned into a full meal as the menu looked so good.  Weather was good but it was very windy so not really suitable for sitting out in on the top of a cliff.  Not only that but it's not really wheelchair accessible but I did get to go and look at a sight I'd never seen before, despite living within easy distance. 
Lunch time view
Made a change from diet Coke *LOL*
No idea!
Belle Tout slightly left of centre.
The sight I've never seen in real life ... Beachy Head lighthouse.  Have to say, it would be easy to go over the edge at this point *scary*
That was Friday.  The day before was workshop day with Clair.  I've still to photograph the end results.  Yep, a plural this week instead of singular.  Actually liked them although wasn't sure to start with but how often does that happen???

Wednesday we had a rare treat.  We went to the movies.  Can't remember when we last did that together except there's been just one instance between now and when Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves was showing, all those years ago *ROFL!*  This time we saw Jason Bourne.  We're intending to go and see Star Trek this coming week and have a meal - either after or before - depending .....  It's all thanks to this little fella and my motor insurance *grin*
Not sure what's coming up for the week ahead except a visit to the Chemo Nurse followed by the visit to the movies.  Guess I could make a start on doing some more decluttering which seems to have stalled over the past few months.

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