
Sunday 30 October 2016

Still ...

... working on the Norfolk photos, although I had a break from them yesterday.  In the meantime ....

I had a busy week of appointments this week.  Makes a change from them being for the OH.  I've run nearly the whole gamut - feet, teeth and tits - ROFL!  Breast screening.  I'm fast becoming of an age where I won't be automatically invited for one.   I shall soon be classed as being out of the age range to warrant them - unless there's a reason presents itself - or I ask for one.  Possibly 2 more to go but may only be 1.  We'll see.  Whether I continue with them once the automatic invites stop I'm not sure.  Mum never had one in her whole life and neither did she ever have a cervical smear.  Strange on the breast screening though 'cos her mum, my nan, actually had breast cancer.  She had a breast removed but the day she was being discharged from hospital she had a heart attack and never survived - or that was the reason I was given for her death.  I've never seen a death certificate to deny or confirm that.  Perhaps I should get one for my records .....

Moving on.  The breast screening unit is near Preston Rock Gardens, aka The Rookery or the Rockery, on Preston Road, Brighton.  I'd not visited for a long time so, knowing I was going to be close I took my camera and so glad I did.  The autumn colours were stunning.
All photos were taken from the lower path.  I should have walked up through the gardens to take photos from different perspectives but my lungs weren't being very good to me and the slopes I'd have had to climb did not look very appealing at the time.  I wish I'd been feeling a tad better and I'd have done them but anything's better than nothing, as they say, so this is the anything.  Beautiful late October morning and pretty warm considering how late in the year it is.

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx