
Sunday 11 December 2016

Think I've ...

... found some time to do some catch up with the blog.  The Florida photobook side-tracked me and got me behind and then life has got in the way but, although still mega busy I've managed to sort some photos from workshops and 'stuff' over the past few months.. Seems I've not had much time to myself for a good while.  My social life really took off and, although I've still a pretty full calendar up until Christmas it may quieten down a bit after ... for a while.

This weekend we've been dog sitting again - our eldest's little Frenchie, Bella.  They had a Christmas party to go to at a local hotel (the Metropole).  We were more than happy to have charge of Bella for a while *grin*   

Bit of a busy house before everyone disappeared to do whatever they were doing - Christmas parties, working, whatever.  The OH keeping Bella occupied, or is that the other way round?  Eldest writing the Christmas cards.  Eldest granddaughter performing surgery on the daughter-in-law .... well doing her lashes at least.  Eldest grandson was lurking as well but he's camera shy .... not! however he's difficult to get a photo of!

I'd planned on getting the Christmas tree up this weekend.  If it didn't get done this weekend it wasn't going to get done at all.  Bella thought she'd help *ROFL*  I was presented with various decorations in part of the living room I didn't need them in but, she tried!  The decs, at least, all we're having ... are up.

That leads me neatly on to a 'catch up'.   I noted, way back, that I'd done a new, all day, Christmas card workshop back in September.  It was held by Helen of Crafty Bunnies.  It was a good day and we made several Christmas card designs and some tags.  All products used were Stampin' Up but then Helen is a Stampin' Up demonstrator.  I've since done more workshops with her ....  For now, this is what we made on the all day workshop.

Also in September I went to another different workshop.  Somebody I knew was doing workshops and I found out about one I was interested in and contacted her to see if she had space for me and my mate Cally to join her workshops.  Unfortunately she had no space for either of us so I asked her to keep us in mind.  I then got a message to say that a space had come free for this one particular workshop but only one so I took it up.  Decorating a glass block.  Well, I did the basic decorating and bought the block home.  I purchased lights to go inside and that was it but ... I wanted to do something more with it.  I finally got to do that something more today .... Yep, nearly 3 months after making it, it finally got finished today and it's in use and looking very pretty :)  I love it *grin*

As it's turned out, I've been able to go to all of Linda's workshops since.  She really has a limit of 4 so it was agreed I would step in when one of the 4 in the group I was placed in couldn't make it.  Since September somebody has had to drop out for one reason or another so I've been able to go.  It now looks as though I'll be going regularly, whatever, and making a 5th member.  Linda already has one group of 5.  It's pretty cosy but she seems to think it can work ... just.  We'll see.  I don't mind keeping it on an adhoc basis.

This week just gone Linda arranged a Christmas lunch for all her workshop people (can't say ladies as there's a male involved in one).  A lovely lunch at an Italian restaurant local to her.  The food was wonderful and extremely reasonable.  Made a change to go to an independant as opposed to a chain.  As it turned out, there were only 3 people I'd not met before. Everyone else goes to Clair's workshops as well - or I've met them at one of Clair's all day workshops *grin*
Think I need a hair cut!  Oh yes, that'll be on Tuesday then *ROFL*  Another busy week on the calendar .....

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx