
Sunday 2 March 2008

Feel like $*$*!

It's Mother's Day here in the UK and I feel like - well, best not to say but me & my hubby seem to have a touch of the lurgey! It started a couple of days ago and we've gradually got worse. He's cooking breakfast at the moment which will probably do me for the rest of the day.

Had a beautiful bouquet of flowers delivered yesterday from eldest son & family and youngest has just popped in with choccies in a looooovvvvvveeerly clear, plastic box!! Can certainly make use of that once the chocs are eaten - LOL!! Unfortunately I haven't got to see any of the grandkids 'cos nobody wants to come near us - :-((

Dropped Mum's card off to her this morning, on the morning paper run, and she loved it. I haven't made a card in months but last year I made a selection of Floral Punch Craft cards so I added a greeting and gave her one of those. She loved it!

Here's the card before the greeting added.

I love doing FPC and have had a few lessons with an amazing tutor - Jane Gill. She is so passionate about the craft that it rubs off. Unfortunately I've not been in a position to do classes for a while. The last ones she ran at the Glitterpot were on hubby's birthday so couldn't attend but I shall be looking for her next ones. Will have to keep an eye open at the Craft Barn as well, now that's re-opened.

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Pam xxx