
Saturday 1 March 2008

The very first!

Well, this is the first day of the rest of my life - or at least the first post on this blog - lol!!

This has been a long time in the thinking about, having originally signed up way back in 2006 with the expressed purpose of charting the coming together of my craft room, from the horrendous 'before's' to the amazing 'after' pics! Unfortunately I don't seem to have progressed much past the horrendous before's - roflmao! My craft room would be amazing if I ever got it finished. Well, amazing for me, that is but nowhere near as amazing as some I've seen on my travels through the internet. Every time I go to work on it I seem to find I need more space. I think I have enough card and paper to last 10 lifetimes as well as the yards of ribbons, 100's of (unused) stamps and 1000's of peeloffs - and just don't get me started on inkpads, dies, pens, paints, punches and oh, did I mention ribbons and peeloffs - lol!!!

One day it will all be finished but most of my time is taken up with my aged, disabled and very frail parents. In the meantime I escape by booking craft classes as it's about the only way I get to have some 'me' time at the moment.

I might get brave and post a few 'before' piccies of the room - that's before some storage went in. Then there's a few photo's taken once cupboards went in. It's progressed a little way on since then but there's still a long way to go and all the ideas are still running round in my head!

Thank heaven for my friends on the imag-e-nation forum. That's got to be the best, and friendliest forum on the whole of the net!

Well, reckon that's about it for my first, historic post. Don't know when the next will be but at least I've done it now, even if it's taken 18 months - lol!!

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Pam xxx