
Monday 11 August 2008

From one ...

... disaster to another! Or so it seems - lol!!

Saturday morning, food shopping - fine, until I get to Dad's. Just got one foot inside door to be greeted with Dad upset and in panic! Ollie had whoopsied all over the lounge carpet overnight - luvvverly ....... not! I mean, all over, from one end of the 20 foot lounge to the other in a very pretty zig-zag pattern - lol! Dad had done his best with the clearing up, bless, but the stains were horrendous. I spent the next 1½ hours on hands and knees treating each individual stain with carpet stain remover. Got through 4 bowls of water in the process - :o(( Had to do it again on Sunday morning but looks as though most have gone, although a couple of the worst ones will need a bit more treatment but at least there's no professional cleaner needed or new carpet for that matter - phew! Another 'phew' - Dad's pressure sore is healing nicely as is his hand, so reckon DN will be more than happy when she calls on Wednesday and I'm hoping that finally his Pension Credit is sorted but it's another of those 'time will tell' things. I thought it had been sorted out and finalised weeks ago but they had other ideas last week!

There has been some good stuff though. Take a look at the top of the blog - TABS!! I've managed to add tabs so should be able to keep sidebar less cluttered now. Will just be filling top of blog instead of side - LOLOL!! Got more plans for the sidebar as well, if I can find the relevant info for what I want to do ....

Grandson has been accepted into College on the full-time course he wanted - subject to certain conditions but, as he's been doing 1 day a week at College, on a sort of foundation course for the last 2 years, I can't see that they would have offered him a place if he wasn't likely to fulfill them and .......... I received a heavy box from the US today - yesssssssssssssss!! A box of punches for my Floral Punch Craft. Scrappily Ever After had one of their 30% off days so I took advantage and ordered a fair few, plus a book with which I am extremely impressed.

It's a Susan Tierney Cockburn one and soooo much more professional than the other FPC books I own. Reckon I will be using this one much, much more. I've also now got a Punch Bunch catologue so I should be able to record the punches I own and reduce the chances of duplicating (which I'm pretty sure I've just done with one received today - lol!) Just as well there was the 30% discount 'cos it pretty much paid the shipping cost which ended up being $38.95 and not the $25 charged at checkout - oooooooooooooops! Still a bargain though as 4 of the punches cost over £12 each here - if you can find 'em - and I got 'em ½ that price :o))....

Perfection will come when I can find some time to play with them.

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Hi Pam, love the new look....don't know if I can master it yet..I still have trouble adding my sig.

  2. pam that looks a stunning book, wish i had your talent, and i love reading your ramblings xx

  3. What a difference your tidy up has made Pam, looks really good. Congratulations on getting it sorted, you must be well pleased with yourself!


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx