
Friday 8 August 2008

Mixed few days ....

Think Mum's passing is just starting to make it's mark on Dad. He seems quite 'down' at the moment and it's not been helped over the last couple of days and also that it's 4 months today since we lost her. Wednesday night we had a very bad storm - amazing to watch and I was out driving in it for a while so had brilliant views of the lightening shooting out over the sea and all around. Poor Ollie doesn't like storms and tries to get into the tightest corner he can. This alone worries Dad but this time he managed to get his collar caught somehow and, according to Dad, started to strangle himself. Poor Dad, I guess in panic, didn't think to undo the collar (quick release one) and cut the collar instead but, with a knife and scissors, while trying to hold Ollie's head to stop him being strangled. He was in such a state yesterday morning. I managed to calm him and said that he should be proud as he'd managed a dangerous situation (for Ollie) and they were both fine. Ollie was running around like a 2 year old again so there was obviously no harm done there- lol!!

When I did the afternoon visit I was greeted with a bloodied handkerchief being waved in my face. He'd fallen getting out of the bath! I have no idea what he'd landed on other than he'd cut the pad on his hand at the base of his thumb quite badly. I wanted to take him to A&E 'cos it looked as though it needed a stitch to me but he refused point-blank to go. That left me running round trying to find a dressing that I could use to cover it, after I'd cleaned it, and that would stay in place. He's now got a big plaster covering it and one of my old thin archery gloves on to hold it all in place. Fortunately District Nurse called this morning so I asked her advice. Looks as though I didn't do too bad a job so I'm now dropping eyes, creaming bums, lotioning feet and dressing wounds!! Just call me Nurse Pam - LOLOL ......... NOT!!!

Intermingled with all this I actually did some crafting - 3 days running I've done some crafting - wooooooooohoooooooooooooo!! That has got to be some kind of record for me!

Firstly, Wednesday evening was spent at a Stamping Up demo/make & take, hosted by Joanne (Mainly Flowers). Small group and the time flew. It wasn't until we were on our way home (we being my mate Cally & me) that I realised how late it was - lol! Joanne was an excellent hostess. We made 2 cards and a little gift box, all using SU products - obviously - and have to say I was most impressed. Small purchase made but reckon there will be more in the future ..... Here's what we made. I didn't like my finished version of the Unfrogettable (I showed it a paintbrush and ruined it - lol) but grand-daughter liked it so I reckon it does have a market ..... Thank you soooo much Joanne, for a very enjoyable and informative evening.

Yesterday was Glitterpot day and Cuttlebug for Kids class. Not adults making cards for kids but kids making cards - it was a kids workshop accompanied by adults. It was eldest grand-daughter's first 'proper' craft class and she thoroughly enjoyed it. I think she was a little nervous to start with but she soon found her feet. We didn't put lettering on the cards in the class, as we were supposed to, but finished the cards this morning. Here she is - OK, her name is Chloe - with her finished cards, followed by mine. Reckon she actually made a better job!
(as ever, click on images to enlarge)

This morning Chloe and me played with my Creative Expressions ~ Monique stamp (yes, I said stamp - lol!), very pretty paper/card (not sure if you'd call it thick paper or thin card) and Fantasy Film - or fusible film, depending where you buy it from. She took all the elements to make 2 cards home with her so I have no idea how hers have ended up but here's one of mine - the dress is made from the pretty paper mentioned. I haven't done the second one, with fusible film, yet. More detail will be posted at some point.

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Well Pam you have been busy! All those cards! Specially love the SU butterfly & Chloe has done really well with hers.x

  2. Hi, Your cards are wonderful!!!


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Pam xxx