
Saturday 20 September 2008

I'm k-nac-ke-red!!

Left house at 9am this morning and didn't really hit base again until just after 5pm. Been on the go the whole time and now relaxing with a glass of vino and will be having an early night if I don't nod off before I get there - lol!!

Called into Dad as normal but earlier. Didn't stop as I normally do 'cos had a delivery to make in Worthing...... Years ago - and I mean years (probably about 20) - Mum bought a knitting machine. She used it to make a few little baby pullovers for Romanian orphanages and never used it again, despite having bought loads of accessories and it costing her over £1000!! Eventually I took over ownership and guess how many times I used it? A big, fat, ZERO!! It's been moved from one room to another and back again and taking up space. As I'd decided to start a clear out when I'd finished going through Dad's place after Mum died, said knitting machine just had to go. Decided to put it on Freecycle to get rid quick but eldest says "Mum, why not try it on eBay first or in the local free ad paper" Gave it a go with prices of £50 up and no takers so back to Freecycle until wise eldest says "Mum, if yer goin' ter give it away you may as well list it for 99p and see what happens". Listed it and ................ it sold for £50 inclusive of me delivering it - which I did this morning and I've now got a bit of space back - LOL!!

On way home stopped to do the grocery shopping. I do Dad's when I do mine but I've learnt to do one, stow that in car and then go round again to do t'other! It actually works out quicker doing that than trying to do 2 at the same time and, doesn't play my frozen shoulder up so much when it comes to the bag packing ...... Break between both shops for a McD (oh no!!) and juice and then a juice after 'cos I had to have an onslaught into Marks & Sparks!

Story there as well, 'cos it was to return some bras I bought a few weeks ago. Had a 'proper' fitting for them and - they've all been returned - even the one I'd worn - 'cos they were all too big. They fitted me, said they were perfect and were they? Were they 'eck as like - lol! I measured, by tape, a 40B, they fitted me to a 38C. I've ended up a 36D so not far out then? Derr!! Seems that the right way of getting the band size is to measure as you should then just round it up. None of this, if it's an even number add so much and if it's odd add something else. Just round the blooming number up and start from there!! Get the band size right and then work on the cup size, which you should have a bit of an idea of from your old ones size. Can't say as I am impressed with M&S fitting service and certainly won't be using it again - hehe! I also needed to change some trousers I bought that were TOO BIG for a SMALLER size.... Did you notice - TOO BIG and SMALLER size????? To top it all off, Dad needed some new trousers as well - lol!!

Are yer bored yet??? Yer will be soon - lol!

Felt worn out by time I got home from all this but still had afternoon visit to Dad to do, put 2 lots of shopping away and cook his dinner. Before we could have dinner I had to change the microwave for a new one bought today 'cos old one decided to start making noises a few days ago and we stopped using it. If hadn't changed it, it would have been takeaway 'cos, after all the going's on today there was no way I was cooking and my resident chef has been out all day - lol! Thank heaven for ready meals - they do have their place - lol!!

Now I feel as though I've run a marathon - feet, legs, back and arms ache and have that 'glowing' feeling. Reckon it'll be snooze time very soon.......ZZZZzzzzzz

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. bit of a busy day then? lol.. and I totally agree on the m& s fitting service.... useless..... and well done on returning too big for smaller !! lol xx

  2. Well I felt tired just reading all what you fitted in to your day. M&S fitting service is awful had similar experience they seem to over size peeps on cup sizes.

    Sylv xxx

  3. Such a good feeling when you have to change something for a smaller size!! It must be all the running about you do Peejay.

    Sue x


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Pam xxx