
Sunday 21 September 2008

Well, I didn't ...

... get that early night last night after all. There was a very interesting debate/discussion started on the imag-e-nation forum about blogs and their relationship to the forum and I got rather absorbed by it. I enjoy that type of thread as it's interesting to find out what other people think. Don't reckon it will change the way things haved moved on but it doesn't make it any less interesting. Unfortunately, because I didn't get an early night, I've wasted a complete day today - lol!

I've been sorting out some photo's taken of baby Zac this week and I've put a few together in another slideshow. Soooo much easier to upload when several photo's are involved - lol!! I'm not sure if anyone can actually access the album the photo's are in to see larger images because I've kept it 'unlisted'.

Although this is a happy time I can't help feeling moments of sadness. Mum would have adored this little one and she was really looking forward to his birth. She had planned to buy his cot and was planning for his 'presents' that she'd given all the great grandchildren. She did buy his cot - she just never knew it. She will be giving him his presents as she had been planning - she just doesn't know it. Or does she? She didn't believe in an afterlife but I keep finding strange, well odd, things that some people could take as a message. Should I do the same? Not sure but it's definitely odd so perhaps I should. Perhaps she's found something that she hadn't believed in and is trying to let us know. Nobody truly does 'cos nobody comes back to tell us......

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Oh Pam I smiled all the way through the slide show, I also had a tear when I saw your Dad holding Zac.
    I think how you're feeling is very natural and the afterlife, well, lets just say that I don't disbelieve and I think most that have had a dear loss would like to have that thought.

  2. Beautiful pictures Pam. Zak and his sisters are a delight.
    All these special moments have a slight edge of sadness when a family member is no longer with us and we know what joy there would have been for them. I'm not a believer.......but then I'm not always right.

  3. Beautiful photos Pam. That is one gorgeous little boy. Very sad that your Mum never met him.I never was sure about an afterlife until my Dad died & lots of things that have happened since then have made me a believer. x

  4. Beautiful slide show Pam had to smileat it. Although I will say I had a few tears reading the post. Pam I believe there is something as how do you get these feelings.Your mum would be proud of her family now as you are of them all.
    Sylv xx

  5. Beautiful pictures Peejay...and your mum would have been so proud of him...I think she will be there to watch over you all.

    Sue x


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx