
Tuesday 30 September 2008

Yep! ....

... my plan worked! Rebook my balloon flight, which pretty much guarantees that it'll be wet, windy or both (which is why I've become the Wednesday weather girl - just ask me when my next booked flight is and that guarantees bad weather) then make the most of the good weather before it turns. Got my poo dug and plants in over the last 2 days and nature has watered them in today - lol!! Yep, you got it ..... Balloon flight was rebooked for tomorrow morning (changed tack this time) and .................. it's cancelled for the 6th time!!

Blockbusters arrived to sort out Dad's blocked loo today. Just as well I'd managed to unblock it yesterday otherwise he'd have been in real trouble - lol! They've cleared a fair bit of limescale so hopefully it will be OK from now on. It had better be!

Seems his knitwear is suddenly starting to conspire against him. We've discarded a cardigan that he was wearing quite happily a few weeks ago but which is now 'collapsing' and we changed it for a pullover. He managed that fine yesterday but today that's 'falling down'. He's suddenly started getting really confused over how to put them on. Still, he'll be even more confused tomorrow because he's got to go out! He's not comfortable outside the home but he's got to go to the chiropodist so he won't know where he is when we get there and he won't know where he is when I get him home - not until he's indoors again. Trouble is, he then spends the rest of the day in another world until he's settled down. He's fine if he can stay in the car. It's when he has to get out and walk around that the problems arise.

Good thing .... I've found a painless way of giving Ollie his pills - until he gets wise! I wrapped them in a bit of a cheese slice which he took without quibble and it didn't touch the sides - lol!! At least it saves the twice daily wrestling match and nipped fingers ..........

Thanks for dropping by .....

1 comment:

  1. Glad you managed to get all your plants in. Isn't nature considerate when she wants to be?
    Hope things went OK with your dad.

    Sue x


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Pam xxx