
Sunday 5 October 2008

Another few days ...

... with no posts. Still, that could be a good thing 'cos it means that there's been no major happenings, good or bad - lol!! Had a few routine trips out with Dad, chiropodist (now he's got hardly any toenails on his big toes - hehe!!), nurse for his flu jab and doctor for medication to sort out his fluid retention (swollen ankles and feet) and .............. woooohoooo!! - hairdresser for me. 'Twas my mate Cally's birthday on Thursday and I have to confess to a mortal sin - I bought her card! Sorry Cally but 'twas either that or none at all (except a rubbish one made a few years ago - lol!!) Spoke to Council on Friday to find out what options there were for Dad regarding re-housing. Going into that a bit more but will have to wait and see what comes about on that front. I had a bad night Friday. Just couldn't get to sleep so got up around 2am and didn't go back to bed until around 3:30am. Still couldn't get to sleep so didn't really want to get up but had to because .................

Best bit of the week - yesterday, when I had a day of crafting at the Glitterpot. Floral Punch Craft with Jane Gill - heaven!! Small class this time. Only 6 of us, including Jane but, we had a great day and a good few laughs. We spent the morning making poinsettias and embellishing a card with them. The cards were beautiful and they were out on display all day. We were so taken and absorbed with these that we ran over workshop time and took up some of the lunch break. I'm giving mine to hubby Paul for Christmas 'cos I want to keep it so, if I give it to him, I will - lol!!

The afternoon was spent making nerines. Mmmmmmmmmm - not impressed with them but reckon that was more down to me than anything else. I'm sure they would look really good given patience and time but because of my bad night I think I was running out of steam. I made 2 flowers and gave up so never made the complete head. I will give them another go at home though and put my own stamp on them. I think they could look stunning - just not for me yesterday but, there was a bonus 'cos we got to make something else using the same punch and I was really pleased with that - lol!!!

More detail will be posted in the fullness of time...

The weather here today has been atrocious (been persisting down all day) and I've had real trouble getting decent photo's because the light has been so bad. Not sure they're too good now but reckon they'll have to do.

There was one other good thing happened that has given me something to look forward to ...... A meet has been arranged by one of the forum members. Ok, so it's in North Yorkshire and will involve a drive of around 6½ hours to get there - and the same back - but it's a chance to meet up with 'old' friends and to meet some new ones. Jak is taking the workshops - although I've been warned I could be helping out in afternoon (I don't do teaching - lol!) - and, while mulling it over as to whether to go or not and make a weekend of it, friend Greta said, if I decided to go she'd like to come along as well. Didn't need any further encouragement and now the B&B is booked, route planned and I'm ready to go. When is it? Not until 1st November (we'll travel the day before) but you can't be ready too early for something like this - LOLOL!

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Oooooh! What I can see of that poinsettia looks gorgeous! Don't blame you for giving to Paul. x

  2. The flowers are awesome
    you'll be fab teaching Pam only wish I could be be there with you too
    Have a fabulous time


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx