
Friday 14 November 2008

Poor Dad ...

... he's finding it hard at the moment. Trouble is he doesn't show grief as most people do. He just gets extremely confused - more than usual. Normal day-to-day things become nearly impossible for him. At the moment it's the operation of his stairlift that has changed, if I was to listen to him. The stairlift has been used for years but now he's having problems remembering how it works. He's decided he has to stop it halfway up the staircase (coming down) and has to get off it there. I've managed to convince him to ride it all the way down to the bottom but I'm half expecting to turn up and find him laying at the foot of the stairs! I had to collect him for his hearing aid check today and he needed to make sure he was comfortable before he went. He had to be assured that he had to take the stairlift completely to the top of the stairs before he got off. Last week he was seeing numbers, where there are none, on his daily pill container. On a more positive note, his house is a lot warmer now that he doesn't have to keep a door open for Ollie to go in and out. Which reminds me - I need to pay a bill....

He's found his wedding ring and has started wearing it. Now Dad hasn't worn his wedding ring since, probably, the early 1970's - a)for safety reasons in the job he was doing and b)because it got too tight. Now it's in danger of falling off but he grinned when he showed me and said he wondered what Mum would say when she noticed - lol!! I've also got him reading again, which he gave up doing about 3 years ago. He's in the middle of the 3rd book in just over a month and he bought himself 4 new ones when I took him shopping on Monday. Seems Jeffrey Archer has worked wonders but Stephen King & Dean Koontz are next on the list :0)

Still feeling rough myself. Sore throat has gone, cough has eased (a bit) but I'm all stuffed up with cold and sneezes. Trouble is the sneezes end up as a coughing fit. Hubby took ill last Saturday morning (thank heaven I wasn't at home much last weekend) and is still suffering as well. Definitely a no-go zone here and I just hope that Dad doesn't catch it from me. Another positive note, but for me this time. Because I've been at home more this week (having had 2 weekends away from home - one in Yorkshire and the other sitting on 2 dogs, 1 teenager and 1 nearly-teenager while sorting Dad out) I've been able to start finding my way round this Vista stuff. Had problems with one of my old progs that I installed but managed to find a fix on Microsoft website which means I've been able to start playing with my photos - yay!!! I've now got them all downloaded onto lappy, although a lot I took on Monday while babysitting little ones, were corrupted, including one of a dirty faced Amy with Jak on the TV behind her :0( There were none of the girlies not corrupted and I was left with only half a dozen of little Zac that are usable-ish. Anyway, I've been sorting and editing so reckon I can start a mega update, quite soon, of my blogs, filling in the last month's happenings - crafty and otherwise - with pictures .... !!

Thanks for dropping by .....

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about you dad xxx. It must be so hard for both of you.

    Take care of you too hun as you are important as well xxx


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Pam xxx