
Saturday 15 November 2008

Going cheap ...

... one stairlift with owner!! Owner may be wearing said stairlift after this afternoon's visit if I have to go through the whole rigmarole with it yet again - lol! I know I shouldn't but, after 3½ days of going through the whole procedure, several times, every time I visit him, I'm gradually losing patience. I wouldn't mind but it's obvious he manages perfectly well when I'm not there but he pounces, as soon as I open the door, with all the 'problems' he has with it.

He received a pet condolence card - well, we all did 'cos it was addressed to Mr **** and family - from the vet and the surgery staff today. I thought that was a really nice gesture and the card was lovely. Just a simple, square, cream card with a dirty doggy pawprint on it. Details on the back of it led to this site ... Veterinary Sympathy Cards.

Not sure I should put the next bit on here but hey, it's my blog and my diary so don't see why I shouldn't as it's for my thoughts! Back in June (oh, was it only June - it seems so long ago now) there was a problem raised it's ugly head on the imag-e-nation forum and I remarked, on here, how disappointed I was with it all. I thought it had all been settled and that there was a level of tolerance and live and let live going on - as there usually is in any large 'family' - and things were plodding along reasonably well. Seems I was wrong 'cos it's all gone pear-shaped again ... unfortunately. There has only ever been one incidence similar in the past - although so much worse and everyone couldn't help but be aware of it going on. It was so bad that the main perpertrator was banned from the forum by the forum owner (first and only time that's ever happened) and, having been on the receiving end - victim, if you like - of that one I'm fully aware of what it's like. Fortunately I now have a reasonable relationship with the other member involved (they were new at the time) and we have met and get along fine (and talk about it quite light-heartedly now) but we resolved the issue privately, between ourselves, without further involvement from anyone else. Anyway, in this latest incident, I guess it would help if we all read things in the same way but we don't so, remarks made by some people are taken in different ways by those reading them. Some people read more into them than others do - all down to 'interpretation and expectation' mainly. What would upset some wouldn't upset others and vice versa but nobody has a crystal ball or can mind-read so, there's not much can be done if it's not bought to the attention of admins if the issues can't be resolved privately. Hopefully this will be a short-lived episode and we can all get back to normal. There are 2 admins at the moment who have more than enough going on in their private lives and really don't need the hassle of trying to sort out a couple of clashing personalities.......

More piccies sorted last night although not as many as hoped for 'cos of above and hopefully can finish tonight then it's all ready for blog updates but ........... don't hold yer breath - lol!!

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. what a lovely gesture from the Vets
    I hope you get the stairlift problems sorted and the other problem simmers down to a pfff


  2. A nice gesture from the vets Pam. You must have the patience of a saint, not at all easy coping with an elderly parent, but he must be feeling really down. Losing Ollie has probably brought back some of the feelings that followed your mum's death and that will still be a sadness for him.
    Missed the problems on the forum, must have been dealt with quickly and efficiently as you and Jak usually do.
    Hope things calm down for you soon.

  3. Hi Pam
    So sorry to hear about your dad and his problems. Such a shame about Ollie too. I get so upset about anyone losing a pet you would think it was mine! Like Jean I have not been online much so missed what has been happening on the forum. I am truly sorry that you and Jak have had to deal with it on your own. x


I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my Ramblings blog and thank you for taking the time to leave me your comments....
Pam xxx