
Sunday 16 November 2008

I've been ...

... out today with eldest son who was competing in his first tournament of the indoor season. He shot really well and was pleased with the way he shot - which is a novelty - lol! He didn't win but he came 2nd with a score just 2 points behind the winner so he's every reason to be pleased with his performance. I enjoyed it as well 'cos I got to catch up with some friends and it gave me a break away from the 'stair lift' saga - which continued this morning. That's now 5 days, 9 visits, that have been taken up with the stair lift and I've been warned that it's likely to continue tomorrow. Youngest son took over the reins this afternoon and Dad told him that he didn't think I was too happy and would be even less happy when he speaks to me about it tomorrow - aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhh!!! I need to find something else to move his focus to but haven't a clue what, at the moment. I'm now becoming scared of opening the door as this morning he was waiting to pounce ...........

I've been beavering away over the last couple of evenings, updating blog. Because it's my 'diary' I wanted to keep it in chronological order so that's what I've done. I haven't finished but I've made a good start and updates can be found here, here, here, here, here and here.

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx