
Friday 5 December 2008

I had ...

... a lovely day today. A full day's class with Jane Gill again. Seems all the classes that take my eye are with Jane! Floral Punch Craft is understandable but this one was on Colouring Techniques. I have this habit of ruining things when I start to put colour to them - unless it's with pastels, of the chalk variety, or pencil crayons. I have no probs with using them and can get definition, shape and whatever else you can think of with them but, start to add colour with a brush or anything similar and I'm in big trouble! Decided the class sounded just what I needed. A very intensive day (Jane commmented on how quiet we all were), where I learnt a lot and confirmed that I'm just destined to ruin something with colour that needs water added - LOLOL!! At least I know what to steer clear of in the future ....

There will be photo's added to Crafty Bits blog, with brief descriptions of what was used and on what media but, as yet, I haven't finished the project we were given. Not sure it will be for some while but it was designed for practising the techniques.

The sun started to set as we were clearing away and some of us just had to stop to take photo's. It was stunning! My photo's of sunsets never usually come out that well but I was quite pleased with this one. Still not as beautiful as the real thing but hey - enjoy! (Taken from the Glitterpot's workroom window)

Thanks for dropping by .....

1 comment:

  1. Heaven's Pam you do like to tease, don't you know my eyes ain't what they used to be? plus I'm nosey so I need a close up look and the colourings please.
    I love the scribble flower and the cute Bird too.


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Pam xxx