
Saturday 6 December 2008

What a week ...

... and where to start? On top of the new car and my classes, this week has been quite eventful!

Eldest's marriage is definitely over. The fact he's arranged his wages to be paid into his personal bank account instead of the joint one and he's also changed his address at the bank and his place of work means he's serious! No going back this time but a lot don't make it to 18 years of marriage (my first didn't last that long), especially when they were only just 18 when they got married. It's good to have him home but will be better for him when he can get a place of his own. Grandson wants to live with him when that happens (we can't put them both up) which I'm not surprised about if I'm honest. Think grand-daughter would like to as well but doesn't want to tell her Mum that. Awkward for a 12 year old, not so much for a 17 year old .....

Dad's caseworker called and she's arranging some respite care and is recommending him for Extra Care Sheltered Housing - yesssssssssss!! There is a new facility being built around 10 minutes away (used to park near where it's being built every day when I was employed). It won't be ready until May-ish but it looks really good. Reckon I might be interested - LOL!! Now got to keep fingers crossed - and anything else we can cross - that he's not too late and gets a place. She didn't know how many others had been referred so there may be too many ahead of him already as there's only 40 flats available. Really nice person though and she said that I was to contact her at any time I needed more help. Can't say fairer than that but I reckon that a bit of respite will help and, if Dad gets into this place, that will definitely help.

He had his doc's appointment as well. Bloods showed no underlying infection to blame for the way he is but, as he's having a good period doc decided not to take it any further at the moment ................ now why aren't I surprised?? We've to monitor things with him and if the bad times start to out-number the good then I'm to let him know and he will proceed with referral for assessment! Knew that seeing him at his best wouldn't help the cause still, at least caseworker seemed to realise so had no prob recommending the extra care.

On top of all this, problems started kicking off on the forum .......... again! I've never known so much trouble over such a prolonged period of time, by so few people and, all over a personality clash that the parties concerned can't sort out like adults. Unfortunately they choose not to ignore one another either and have acted like kids in the playground, affecting everybody else along the way. The one good thing to come out of it, from my point of view, is that there are no longer any admins/moderators so that pressure is off - and what a relief! I had already told another admin I was going to 'resign' (can you resign from a post you don't get any recompense for - only hassle?) 'cos I'd just about had enough of it but she talked me round. Now everybody has to take complete responsibility for what they say and do and people may also realise just how much 'stuff' went on behind the scenes that nobody is aware of. With no admin in place the children decided to take full advantage and I'm ashamed to admit to 'rising to the bait' a few times (effect of having the gag off) and for that I'm truly sorry as it effectively dragged me down to the same level. In deciding not to react further and just watch what was going on, some true colours showed including the fact that some have a propensity to selective memory and exaggeration - all stuff that fuels fires - which I could have come back on but chose to ignore, rather than stoke the fire. Comment was also made about something which happened that this particular member knew nothing about and, if they did, would know this recent bit of trouble was really very petty by comparison. Hopefully, now the forum owner has taken the steps he has, we can get back to what it's actually about and it's not these playground battles. I, for one, shall certainly enjoy it more now that I'm back to being a bog-standard member ... as I once was ..... LOL!!

Thanks for dropping by .....


  1. Pam your not a bog standard person not EVER

  2. So glad your dads caseworker is on the job of trying to get you some respite Pam. Also glad your Dad is a lot easier now.
    As for you being bog standard how can you say that when you have helped so many.
    Sylv xx

  3. So sorry to hear your son's marriage is over Pam and I certainly would not say you are bog standard. LOL


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Pam xxx