
Friday 30 January 2009

Floral Punch Craft - Chrysanthemum v2

A slightly smaller version this time and a slightly different colour. With a diameter of 4 inches, using fewer petals, less layers and a slightly larger centre I think I prefer this one. It took longer because of having to make more quilled rolls for the centre and I think I've probably done my normal heavy-handedness with the ink on the quilled rolls. Will remember to try to keep it lighter in future - or at least remember that the ink soaks in a bit and dries darker - lol!

New flower is on the left and original (from earlier blog entry) is on the right.


Update: I'm being asked which punch/es are used to make these crysanths. I don't know for sure as I punched the shapes at class and bought them home with me but I think the main one was the 3" Woodware Super Duper Daisy punch - whatever, it's a VERY big daisy punch! The ring around the quilled rolls was another daisy punch with the punched size being around an inch (probably considered large). Although not a tutorial, a brief rundown of how they were made is on this blog entry. The backing circle that the individual petals are stuck to depends on the size you want the finished flower to be. The biggest flower had it's petals stuck to a 3" circle and the smaller one - this one - used a 2¼" one (I cut that one with a nestie instead of a punch). Place the first 4 petals at 12, 3, 6 and 9 o'clock and then fill in the gaps for the first layer or, if you've cut a scalloped circle, stick a petal at each scallop. After that it's do what you please - LOL! The quilled rolls are strips of green paper ¼" wide and cut from the long edge of an A4 sheet of paper then cut in half, fringed and quilled. I used some cut in half again so I had smaller quilled rolls to act as 'fillers'. Hope that answers some of the queries I've been getting. I shall be trying this flower again with smaller punches at some point as I don't actually own such a big daisy punch but then again ...................... LOLOL!

Another surprise ...

... youngest has not long left after calling in on his way home from work. Another pretty card (sensible this time - lol!) and a box of Thornton's - yum!

Thanks for dropping by .....

It's my birthday ...

... and what a mixed day - lol!! This morning got woken early by postie ringing doorbell delivering a recorded package so needed to be signed for. Was it for me? Nope, for eldest but guess who had to get up to sign for it - LOL!! Just settled down with morning cuppa to wake up properly and doorbell goes again. This time it's builders arrived to move a downpipe. We'd arranged it but I'd forgotten they were coming. Not yet dressed and there I was, outside in dressing gown and - it was freeeeeeezing!. Got builders sorted - or so I thought - so back to my cuppa and opening of birthday cards.

I've had loads and some beautiful handmade - no, handcrafted - ones from my brilliant friends made via the imag-e-nation forum. Then there were the ones from my hubby and eldest! I have such a romantic husband and a really loving, thoughtful eldest son .............. NOT!!!! Well, that's not entirely fair. Eldest addressed envie 'To Mummy' and when I opened the card there it was ...... in his words 'I thought it was funny when it wasn't supposed to be' - derrrrr????? The card looks like a 'cute' adult card but it says 'To a very special Mummy' and the verse refers to Mummy all the way through it which is why he thought it a funny card when it wasn't. Have to say - I agree with him 'cos at 36 he hasn't called me Mummy for around 30 years ........ unless he wants something - LOL!

The card from hubby was something else entirely and to say it was romantic would be lying - hehe! but it did make me laugh!

A Birthday Poem
just for you

Your mind is sharp and functioning
Your teeth remain intact
And you can still go dancing
'Cause your hip bones haven't cracked...
You pee without assistance
Your walk is sure and brisk
And you haven't got all wrinkled
Grown a hump, or slipped a disc
Your hair's not turned all white yet,
You've got a ticking heart
And you exercise discretion
When you can't hold back a fart (sorry but it's in the verse!)
You don't crank up the thermostat
Because you're always cold
And though you've aged another year
You're far from being old!

Off to Dad's, came back and downpipe moved ............... in the wrong place! Really decent builders, thankfully, so they did the job all over again and moved it to the right place - LOL!!

Managed to get myself to my beauty treatments on time, having dealt with another builder (we're having some quotes for work we want doing), and spent a very pleasant 1½ hours being massaged and facialled, hot crystals and aromatherapy. Felt so relaxed when it was over and still do! Might just have an early night 'cos don't think I shall be able to keep eyes open for much longer - LOLOL

All in all a very pleasant day and there was a bonus. Heard that there's a vacancy for Dad for a week's respite care. They need to see him first but if it's OK he can go for a week from the 9th February. Only problem I can see there is that it's Mum's birthday on the 11th so not sure he'll want to be anywhere other than home for that. Need to talk to him methinks....

Oh yes, I finished another big flower as well. Not quite as big as the other ones but still big and - I think it's the best yet! You'll find it here.

Thanks for dropping by .....

Monday 26 January 2009

Craft Barn classes

We had 2 classes last Wednesday at the SE imag-e-nationer's meet. The first one was creating backgrounds using embossing powders, inks, waxed paper and an iron! All gave a batik type finish. We made one card in this class and I have to say I'm really pleased with it.

I was very impressed with the effect achieved using just one colour - in this instance, Spiced Marmalade Distress ink - and the embossing powder. I was so pleased that I bought the stamp we used - Kadoodle Stamp, Frilly Flowers. The image was stamped on opposite corners of the piece of backing card with versamark, heat embossed with clear embossing powder and then inked over using Cut & Dry foam. The opposite corners were stamped and heat embossed in the same way, then inked again. Finally the card was put between 2 pieces of paper and ironed. Ironing removed the embossing but left the image - a form of resist technique. My 2nd corners didn't work too well (I think I inked too heavily in those corners first time round) so I re-stamped the image using the inkpad I'd chosen.

I wasn't too keen on the waxed paper ones and don't think I'd be bothered with that again. Some of the effects achieved were OK - a scrunched one was fine and I did one that I was quite pleased with. I folded the waxed paper in a sunray effect....not intentionally - LOL!! I was trying to be clever and it didn't work out the way I wanted but it did end up OK.

The 2nd class was making our own reverse pyramid decoupage (and, consequently normal pyramid as well) using stamps and nestabilities. I have to say that the class turned out more of a masterclass in watercolouring for me and ......... my tutor? Jackie ..... the newest member of the La Pashe design team! I do now know how to use the nesties to make reverse pyramid and pyramid decoupage though, so it would be useful when I get an image I like and want to make into a pyramid - which won't be too often, if ever, 'cos can't say as the pyramid stuff floats my boat - LOL!!


Sunday 25 January 2009

Busy week ...

... this week - LOL!! Tomorrow is our little Amy's 3rd birthday. Her big sister, Emma, is 7 on Thursday and my Dad (aka Grandad Jumbo) is 87 on the same day. Friday is my birthday and we don't speak about my age 'cos it's not what my mind tells me it is - LOL! I've got a treat booked for my day - a hot crystal massage and a facial - bliss!!

Birthday Babes - Emma-Dad-Amy - with a little artistic license!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Saturday 24 January 2009

Floral Punch Craft - Chrysanthemum

Not yet a card but another BIG flower! The inspiration came from Jane Gill (who else?) following the class a few weeks ago. I haven't put it on a card yet because I only finished it this morning. Taken a long time to do - very labour intensive! This one measures around 4.5 inches diameter so not quite as big as the other but, I think I prefer this one now it's done. Centre is smaller than I think it should be really. Reckon I did one too many rounds into the middle of the large petals but I'm still pleased with it. Just need to do something with it now. Reckon it could make a lovely topper for a gift box .....

It's made from a giant daisy punch, a medium daisy punch, thin card and some fringed quilled rolls. Each petal was cut individually after punching and each shape edged with ink. I also used direct to paper method to add some colour to the petals then they were scored to give shaping and character. Each shape was then stuck to a large circle starting at the outer edge and layering towards the centre with the 2 final layers being made from the medium daisy punched shapes cut in the same way.

The very centre is made up of small, fringed, quilled rolls cut from pale green paper and the tips inked with the same colour used on the petal shapes.

I just love the finished flower and reckon smaller versions could be made.

I'm really ...

... annoyed! My new laptop's hard drive died on New Years Eve and I'm still waiting for the replacement to arrive! I received a replacement within the week. Fantastic service, I thought. At least it would have been if it had been the right one for my laptop and not one for a desktop! I phoned them up and arranged for the wrong one to go back (it was collected 2 days later) and the correct one to be sent and I'm still waiting for the correct one to arrive! 5 to 10 working day turn-around is what I was told and going by how quick I'd got the original (wrong one) I didn't expect to have to wait too long. WRONG!! I've phoned them again to find out where my new hard drive is and they've now told me that it's out of stock. Apparently they're expecting delivery of it within a day or two and then it will be sent priority. Now me, being the total cynic that I am, can't help thinking that was code for "oh s***, we forgot to order it!" Guess only time will tell on that one but if I finally receive it early next week I shall feel that my suspicions have been confirmed - LOL!

In meantime I'm still using eldest's lappy (when he's not around) which is ancient and that he's never had any bother with except for losing the '5' key at the top of the keyboard ....... which also has the percent sign on - doh! It's a real pain to have to use the '5' that's situated on the 'I' key but I'm just grateful that I've got something I can use - lol!! ............ and why is it that you always want/need to use something when you haven't got it but not when you have - huh????????

Thanks for dropping by .....

Thursday 22 January 2009

Had a ...

... meet up with some fellow southern imag-e-nationers yesterday. We took over the Craft Barn workshop for the day. I'd met everybody before with the exception of 2 - Chris (Wellnifty) and her sister Dawn. There should have been one more new face, Carol (Cadge), but she wasn't able to make it as hubby had been called into work unexpectedly. Soooooo disappointed for her as we knew she'd been doing a countdown to the meet and had been so excited. We were all looking forward to meeting her as well. It was good to meet new faces (although not new names - lol!) and great to meet up with people that have now become 'old' friends ..... in the nicest possible way - lol! We do have a laugh when we meet up so we always have a good time, despite whatever we do by way of craft.

The classes weren't the best - or rather, the tutors weren't (badly prepared, particularly the first class and not an awful lot of tutoring) but we did pick up some tips and learnt a bit - me more from Jackie (the newest La Pashe design team member) than the tutors, LOL! First class was making backgrounds in batik style (and a card with one of them), using various mediums and the second was making reverse pyramid (and consequently basic pyramid) decoupage from our own stamped and coloured images. Useful to know how to do it but not sure I'd use it on own images. I got bored colouring so many images the same. Reckon Debs had the right idea - she left hers black and white, uncoloured and it was actually very effective ...

Thanks for dropping by .....

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Don't feel ...

... guilty now (see previous post) - not that I did anyway LOLOL! Just checked my bank account and Mr Taxman has given me the big rebate following my SA Tax Return. Pretty good service!! Tax return filed 14th January, rebate hit bank account on the 19th and there was a weekend inbetween ......... :0))

Thanks for dropping by .....

I think I got ...

... it wrong - LOL!! Scrappily Ever After had some 40 percent (I will get my own lappy back at some point then I'll have a keyboard without a missing key!) discount days over the Christmas period and I took advantage of it by buying quite a few (actually, 11 of 'em) giant, mega & super giant punches that the flowers in the Susan Tierney Cockburn book use. Most of the punches used in the book aren't available in the UK (some are but not all) so need to be bought from the US. The idea was that I'd get the big heavy ones on the 40 percent discount and buy the smaller ones (which I thought there were less of) on the monthly discount days that they have. I'd marked the catologue with the punches I needed to complete the 'full set' so when I received an email over the weekend telling me of a 2 day discount event (30 percent this time) I thought I'd go through and order the rest ...... Oooooooooops!!! $270.59 later - before discount or shipping - and I realised that perhaps I should have done this order on the 40 percent discount!! Checking with Scrappily re shipping costs before finalising order, they all came within the cost for 20lb weight so, thinking logically - if I'm gonna get caught for Customs I may as well do it the once and have only one PO admin fee and have 'em all sent for the one shipping cost rather than spread the load and perhaps end up paying double of everything - LOL!! Discount still saves me money, pays the shipping and, if caught for Customs, will pay that as well. Bonus is - I'll have all the punches I need .... OK, want .... to make every flower in the book! Now I can just sit back and wait for them to arrive .... No idea where I'll keep 'em when they do arrive but, hey ho, will cross that bridge as and when. How many punches have I ordered?
Eeeerrrrrmmmmmm - shhhhh ...................................... 43 (gulp)!

Thanks for dropping by .....

Monday 19 January 2009

TUTORIAL - Floral Punch Craft - Poinsettia

There was so much interest shown in the card that I made at Jane Gill's workshop (this post) with her amazing poinsettia's that, when I next saw her, I asked her if she'd mind me drawing up a tutorial and posting it on my blog. Jane, being the really kind person that she is, gave me her full permission to do so. Unfortunately I didn't have time before Christmas but I've now done it so ... here it is and in plenty of time for next Christmas! Thank you so much Jane for allowing me to do this.

TUTORIAL (Click on any photo to enlarge)
Tools & Requirements:
~ Christmas tree, stamen and small daisy punches.
~ Chalks
~ Dark red ink pad
~ Red and mid to dark green paper
~ Gold glitter glue
~ Scissors and tools as pictured and described in previous FPC tutorials (or alternatives)
~ PVA glue (use very sparingly at all times!)

Method (for one flower):

Step 1: From the red paper punch 2 small daisy shapes and 16 tree shapes

Step 2: From the green paper punch 3 stamen shapes

Step 3: Dot gold glitter glue on each 'blob' of the stamen shapes and put to one side to dry.

Step 4: To save time double up the tree shapes so that you cut 2 at a time. Cut up the trunk (they need to be thin enough to fit on daisy petal) and cut the branches off as per photograph. These are the shapes for the 'petals' of the poinsettia.

Step 5: Take your dark red ink pad and edge each shape with colour. Don't be to worried about where the ink goes as it's not obvious but does give more depth to the finished 'flower'.

Step 6: Score lines as you would do for a leaf using the DEET tool (or alternative) - up the centre and then from the centre to the edge several times up the length, remembering to keep the scoring tool as flat to the surface as possible. Run over the centre score line again. (The 'flowers' on a poinsettia are the very centre and the red 'petals' are, in fact, not flowers at all but bracts/leaves that have changed colour from green to red)

Step 7: Stick a prepared and trimmed trunk to a daisy petal, lining up the bottom of the trunk to the bottom of the daisy petal - the edge of the centre circle of the daisy shape. Repeat this for all 8 daisy petals. Put to one side for the glue to dry. This is the bottom layer of your poinsettia.

Step 8: With the remaining 8 trimmed and prepared trees and the other daisy shape repeat the last stage but this time bring the bottom of the trunk to the centre of the daisy shape. The trunks will overlap and the centre will become quite thick. Put to one side for the glue to dry. This will be the top layer of your poinsettia and slightly smaller than the bottom.

Step 9: Take each layer in turn and, with green chalk (dark green is best), lightly chalk from the centre to the tip of each 'petal', lifting the pressure as you proceed towards the tip of the 'petal'. The chalk will stick to some of the raised areas but not to all of it.

Step 10: Give some shaping to some of the petals but not all, curling some under and giving others a slight curl upwards or sidewards - any which way shaping!

Step 11: Using a character shaper or very large embossing tool use a circular motion in the centre of the 'flower' layer to lift the 'petals' slightly.

Step 12: In the centre of the bottom layer add a spot of PVA glue and add the top layer, offsetting the 'petals'.

Step 13: Now take the 3 stamen shapes and, checking that the glitter glue has dried first, take your embossing tool and give each shape severe cup character. Starting from the outer edge and using a fast circular motion spiral towards the middle increasing the pressure the nearer the middle you go, finishing by pushing the shape into the embossing/moulding mat.

Step 14: Add a spot of PVA to the centre of the 'flower' and stick one of the stamen shapes. Now add a spot of glue to the centre of that stamen shape and, offsetting the longer arms, add the next one and repeat for the third.

You have now completed your poinsettia.

To make a slightly smaller version of the poinsettia the procedure is exactly the same but the tree is cut smaller. Cut up the trunk but into the tree a little further before curving to cut off the branches then cut 1 to 2mm off of the bottom of the trunk.

The holly was cut from Bazzill using a holly punch. Each shape was edged with dark brown ink and scored up the centre and side veins using the DEET tool with the centre vein being scored a second time after the side veins were done.

The card made at Jane's workshop used one large and 2 smaller poinsettias but this 'flower' would look just as good used singly as an accent on a card or gift tag .....

All the punches can be found at the Glitterpot.


No longer ...

... have a leaky boiler! Found a local Heating Engineer on the CheckaTrade site. Phoned him this morning, he called this afternoon and by the time I got back from Dad's afternoon visit it was all better! Bonus is, he's also a general plumber so he's going in our address book - lol! Excellent service, reasonable price and would definitely recommend anyone to use CheckaTrade if they have no idea of who to ring when they need a tradesman of any sort. All customer recommended and vetted by the site before they agree to list them ......

Thanks for dropping by .....

Sunday 18 January 2009

Lovely afternoon ...

... at Holiday on Ice - Mystery. Was taken as a treat and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Came home and found our boiler's sprung a leak - doh!! Reckon it's a phone call to a heating engineer tomorrow - before I go to the dentist! No idea who to contact as our regular one has been seriously ill and have a feeling he's no longer working .... Why is nothing ever easy????

Thanks for dropping by .....