
Tuesday 10 February 2009

Stamps and ...

... punches fest! A couple of weeks ago I got a big box from Scrappily Ever After. My order of 43 punches arrived. It was like Christmas. Yesterday I got another big box but this time from the UK and yes, it was craft stuff but ......... some of it was for Christmas! Yep - Christmas presents - LOL. Well, you have to don't you, when you see a bargain and when you have grand-daughters that are into craft and a daughter-in-law that is as well. I have no problem buying pressies for them - lol!! It's everyone else that's the problem. Trouble is my fingers got a bit sticky and I actually ordered 2 of one of the items - and didn't notice until it was too late - when I only wanted one but I'm sure it won't go to waste - hehe! I spent just over £80 but what I got was worth £250 full price and it included the super duper giant, extra large daisy punch (or whatever size it's called but it's BIG!) that was used to make the chrysanthemum's shown on the Crafty Bits blog. Well, I just had to have that punch as I've fallen in love with that flower - lol!!

Today postie has left me another packet. I didn't buy the set of owl stamps on Friday and then regretted not doing so. Hubby liked the cards so much he offered to buy them for me (the stamps, that is - LOL!) as a belated birthday pressie 'cos there was nothing I'd wanted at the relevant time. After he'd twisted my arm really hard (hehe!) I agreed he could so, order was put in and now they're sitting on table next to me.

Now all I need to finish my week off craftwise (I know, it's still early in week!) is my Flippin' Women order from imag-e-nation and some stamp sets ordered from the US and which are on their way!

Thanks for dropping by .....

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Pam xxx