
Monday 9 February 2009

What a busy ...

... week and full of highs and lows.

Low - Decided to try online grocery shopping for the first time. BIG mistake 'cos, a week later and I'm still trying to get probs sorted out from that one! Did the order over the weekend and booked a delivery slot for Tuesday morning. Delivery was cancelled due to the bad weather - derrrrrrrr! I was out physically doing Dad's shopping when mine should have been delivered and eldest was out delivering for the same company - just a different store! Anyway, had to rebook a delivery slot which meant that I had to reorder, which meant that the evouchers I had used originally weren't available to use against the re-order. Several phone calls and emails later and I'm still no nearer getting the credit for the voucher that was accepted first time round and rejected on the reorder. They tell me they've reissued the voucher via an email - WRONG! I'm now waiting for another reply from them. Am I impressed with online grocery shopping? No I'm not but, due to my health issues, I've come to realise that I'm no longer able to do two household's shopping any more - not without it taking a lot of extra time out of my schedule anyway so, needs must. Just hope I can get this problem sorted out and then have it plain sailing.

Low - Should have had another SE meet on Wednesday but that was cancelled because of the weather as well. Although everything was clear and back to normal in my neck of the woods, it wasn't further inland and there were many people still having problems getting out and about. Pity of it is, it's now on a date which isn't suitable for everyone that had originally booked.

High - I decided to see if the Glitterpot had their March class list out and found that there were spaces left for a day of classes with Jane Gill on Friday so rang and booked a place for the day. Not Floral Punch Craft this time but something completely different as it turned out.

High - Had a meeting with somebody from the Resource Centre that is giving me and Dad his week of respite care. It was to ensure that they could meet his needs, find out more about him and his likes and dislikes etc. etc. Dad seemed much more settled about it when the meeting had ended. He started thinking about what he wanted to take and what he might need so, from that point of view, it was all positive. He gave the impression he was excited but nervous and he admitted as much by saying it was 'the unknown'.

Low - While this meeting was going on, eldest had to say goodbye to one of his family pets. Lolli, their young lurcher, has gone to a new home. They'd only had her a year from a pup and she's still a pup really but, because of his marriage breakdown she's had to go. We're hoping that our Chalky, who I've looked after on many an occasion over the years, can be kept but only time will tell on that one. Lolli has gone to a good home though - to somebody we know, so there's every chance that we will still see her occasionally. She will be spoilt ..... and she's going to be very busy - LOL!!

I'm going to end this post on a high! The bad weather at the beginning of the week produced an unexpected, but welcome, result! Had to walk to Dad's on Monday because of the snow and when I got there he was routing around in the freezer and he was actually surprised to see me. He'd realised that there was a chance I wouldn't get to him so was making plans for his food for the day. His store cupboard has tinned stews and the like so I suggested he could have one of them. I gave him a lesson on how to use the hob and we agreed that I wouldn't go back in the afternoon and he would get his own meal. Did I worry? Oh yes, I did worry! Did I need to? Possibly not as he seems to have managed, although I think his specs got more of his eyedrops than his eye might have done but hey - he did something for himself! Decided to try him out again on the Wednesday so called in the morning and let him deal with himself in the afternoon. I've decided that he can look after himself, albeit in a limited way, so reckon I'll get a few more tins of stews/casseroles and perhaps have the odd afternoon off - LOL!! Got to be good for him as well - to have a little bit more independence.

Thanks for dropping by .....

1 comment:

  1. You're probably right Peejay....your dad can do a liitle for himself if he has to...after all your not deserting him for the whole day....can only be good for him and you.

    Sue x


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Pam xxx