
Monday 2 March 2009

Disappointment ...

... over Dad's living arrangements! Managed to speak to Dad's caseworker today and unfortunately Dad going into permanent residential care is not an option. Seems they don't consider his needs are bad enough to fund him so, unless he can pay the full amount himself, he can't go and he doesn't have that sort of income - or assets! He's still on the referral list for the Extra Care Sheltered Housing place though, so hopefully he'll be accepted on that. It means he will be living on his own but a care package will be in place and he will be able to use the on-site restaurant and communal facilities to socialise. Not as good as the full residential care but it's a compromise, although I'm sure that some of the attraction of residential care wasn't just the company but the fact that he was waited on and didn't have to do anything for himself - not even make a cuppa - LOL!! He will still be able to have the occasional respite break as well. I've been told that we may hear soon whether he's been accepted or not .........

I need him to heat up his own meal on Wednesday (unless he wants a really late dinner) so I'm gonna have fun tomorrow showing him how to use the gas hob - again. He can't remember how to from when he was shown early February when the snow was around. In fact, he can't remember that he even did - or so he says! I'm not always convinced that he really doesn't remember but the look on his face when I said "Do you remember when ....." told me he really doesn't this time - lol!

Thanks for dropping by .....

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